Friday 27 November 2009

Calder Wood reflections

I thought this photo from last weekend's visit to Calder Wood in West Lothian was perfect for Weekend Reflections.....


Anonymous said...

Nice shot. Interesting the way the reflection in the water is clearer and shows more detail, especially in the sky.

Bonjour Luxembourg said...

Hello Pacey,
Your post is outstanding, this picture is really beautiful!
Happy weekend Reflections!
Léia - Bonjour Luxembourg

Cezar and Léia said...

Funny thing...
Sorry, I misunderstood your name!
Happy weekend reflections dear friend Green Poet! :)

Coffeedoff said...

Lovely Reflection, such a peaceful looking place!

Malyss said...

A pretty winter mood, full of melancholy. The reflection is like ice, perfect!

Carolyn Ford said...

Lovely winter scene and water reflection! It does look chilly out!

Lucy said...

Calder Wood looks a lovely place. The name is very resonant too...

My name is Riet said...

THat is a beautiful picture. Nice reflection.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Perfect indeed Juliet - looks good birding country.

Anya said...

Its a unique reflection
I love also the nature :-0

Kat said...

I like this shot alot. The "real" landscape looks almost like a watercolor or pastel, and the reflection like a photograph. Well done. Kathy

Thérèse said...

Lonely tree of its kind!

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Love the quiet of this capture, Great Reflection.

Diane AZ said...

The bare branches and grasses make lovely reflections in the water. Have a wonderful weekend!

Quilt Works said...

I can feel the cold of the day!

... Visit my contribution "Where does reality end?"

NicoleB Egypt said...

Lovely shot!

Anonymous said...

Simple yet lovely, Craft Green Poet. (I LOVE your name.)

Dimple said...

I like this reflection, it is good. But I agree with the others who said it looks cold!

VioletSky said...

The reflection in the water is so clear and crisp. It's like it took the best details and discarded the rest.

Quasi Serendipita said...

What a perfect, crisp reflection - looks like it would look the same if turned upside down! Great shot.

cieldequimper said...

Of course it is perfect, it's lovely!

storyteller at Small Reflections said...

What a beautiful reflection in your peaceful scene. I'd love to walk there ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Martha said...

Thank you for stopping by! Your photo is beautifuL!

Rambling Woods said...

It's beautiful...

Julie said...

It certainly is beautiful, especially that tangled mass of branches in the centre.

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

O yes a lovely reflection

Anonymous said...

Amazing how beauty can be captured even in the bland colors of whence the autumn leaves have fallen. The reflection shows of the calm sense and peace of a slow day. I really like it.

Thank you for stopping by my place and commenting on my first submission.


My first effort: Weekend Reflection ~ Mussolini's Rome

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

I love the reflection in the water!

Amanda Moore said...

Looks very peaceful and serene a lovely photo.

Anonymous said...

Juliet, I took a shot this weekend over by the shore. I thought at the time it reminded me of something. Today, I see it was this shot.

RA said...

What a beautiful reflection! Have a wonderful week :)

XoXo said...

Great reflections, so calm...