Wednesday 25 March 2009

Blackford Pond, Edinburgh

Tufted ducks and swans swim
smoothly over serene water

under the surface, riots
of toads fight and mate

females gleam
like warty jewels

carrying the smaller males
on their backs

Seasonal change for Totally Optional Prompts


d. moll, said...

OH, I'm working of designing a toad print with gold leaf eyes, right now!

Susan Tuttle said...

Lovely! Happy Spring!


Anonymous said...

Hi Juliet!

My name is Tara and I found out about you blog from another blogger and she informed me that you know a lot of sustainable art and what not. I am currently working on a project about the basics of Sustainable and I was wondering if you had websites, resources, or anything valuable. Please email me at if you have anything I could use.

RG said...

I wonder if that is the view the Elite have of life in general!

anthonynorth said...

You paint a beautiful picture there.

Gordon Mason said...

Oh yes ..... warty jewels!

Claudia said...

I like the juxtaposition of the calm waters above and the "riots" below. I'm new to T.O.P., so thanks for sharing this!

totomai said...

Yay for spring. nice voice here in the poem

Jeeves said...

Such a beautiful image. Nice poem

Linda Jacobs said...

Love the "riots of toads"! You've painted quite a picture!

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written, I get the feeling that you were there to see this!

Anonymous said...

Oh to gleam like a warty jewel! What a fantastic line.

Tumblewords: said...

Warty jewels - they are, aren't they? Great description! Spring writes.

gautami tripathy said...

So very elemental..

over the ridge and hard planes

Cynthia said...

Oh, this poem is so sweet to
envision, the female turtle carrying the smaller males on
their backs, also the seeming
calm blanketing a bustling city.

Janice Thomson said...

Love that 'riots of toads'! What a delightful phrase.