Friday 11 May 2007

Second chances

There are no second chances, not here
Technology is not waiting to fix
the future, and if it is, we may not
like what it gives us. Planets
elsewhere may support our grandchildren
but they are far away and uncertain.
Reincarnation or heaven give other
lives in different places,
there are no second chances here.

Rough notes on Second Chances for Sunday Scribblings.


Anonymous said...

One wonders if we've given too many of our first chances away. I feel like your words point me to the now. Thanks for the insight!

spacedlaw said...

Same her. We stumble along thinking that we might always be given a second chance.
If we didn't we might be more careful...

polona said...

we are collectively cutting off the branch we're sitting on...
no second chances, true!

Karen Travels said...

Sooooooo true. And not to sound depressing, but this is my number 1 reason for not wanting to have children - I rather take care of ones who are already here.

Sandra.if said...

so carpediem!

TMTW said...

We should not squander our first chance, for each opportunity should be held as a treasure.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Thanks everyone and karen - my main reason for not having children too!

gautami tripathy said...

Very reflective and true.

Anonymous said...

Good twist on second chance. I hear ya!

Inconsequential said...



Anonymous said...

And that my friend, is to the point.
Well written.

Becca said...

Sobering thoughts, succinctly delivered. Well done!

Elspeth said...

Scary but true. I read it and immediately felt ... second chance at saving Mother Earth from being destroyed by her 'children'?

Anonymous said...

Well written. I agree, I don't think we're getting any more chances. I've also made the same decision about children....

bonggamom said...

Great use of this Sunday's theme to remind us of something very important. I love your post!

Rob Kistner said...

Kickin' butt and takin' names Juliet -- I like it bunches!

Rob Kistner said...

Kickin' butt and takin' names Juliet -- I liked it bunches!

Anonymous said...

shiver-down-the-spine straightforwardness, telling it exactly as it is in a very lyrical way. great!

Steve Isham said...

True, nothing is ever exacly the same, but is it a mistake to jump from that to the conclusion that opportunities don't ever come round again?

Crafty Green Poet said...

Thanks for all your comments.

Ish was I really making that jump? I didn't mean to as such. But new opportunities (in heaven, in a reincarnated life, on a different planet) are not the same thing as a second chance here.

Sian said...


Anonymous said...

I really "get" this poem... so true.

How depressing that the damage is done and now all we can do is try to clean up the mess and "reverse" some damage.. but not really.

I do feel a huge responsibilty to my daughter and fear for what mess we have brought her into..: (

Traveler said...

I'm with ya on the not having kids...

sundaycynce said...

Becca and Jennifer both came very close to saying what I also feel about your post. What you have said is quite depressing, but so is the mess we have made of this beautiful earth we were loaned for a lifetime. I hope it is not too late to clean it up and extend the length of time it appears to have left. But we surely must get sober and serious about it NOW!!!

Thanks for visiting my site last week.

awareness said...

a stark reality, isn't it?

jo_annie said...

wow, very powerful words. I've been reading it over, and it!

Anonymous said...

Yup, that's the thing about reincarnation - it's somebody else.
Thanks for a great share,

Christy Woolum said...

Your poems always are clear and get to the point. Very well done!