Friday 13 April 2007

Secret Identity

Sunday Scribblings this week asks us to reveal our secret identity. Well, this is strictly speaking off topic for this blog, but yes I have a secret identity. I'm a multilingual writer of angst ridden poetry about lost love who wears a lot of black velvet and lace and hangs out in goth clubs (well not for much longer if they all keep moving to new, inaccessible venues). To read more about my Secret Identity please visit Alter Ego.


Inconsequential said...


I can relate to the lack of Goth clubs...sometime I feel i'm the last of my kind in this town...

Anonymous said...


I love you now even more than ever! Your comments and your spirit...

I had not looked at Sunday Scribblings yet--thanks for the heads up...


TMTW said...

I love your Alter Ego poetry.

gautami tripathy said...

I do read your poetry in alter ego from PT.

This post made me smile.

Surreptitious Self

Anonymous said...

You really area dressed in goth black over there.

Those Celts sure have fun with words!

I'm revealing secrets too.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Hi there and thanks for your comments.

Inconsequential, sorry you're the last goth in town. Edinburgh has several goth clubs, but the ones we go to are getting less frequent and now have moved to a nasty little venue in a part of town where taxis never go....

Novel Nymph - oh thank you!!!

Autrice - thanks for reading on Alter Ego.

Gautami - yes I know you read Alter Ego, thanks for commenting when you're over there. Glad this post made you smile.

Anonymous said...

Very clever.
I think the one of the reasons I have moved so much is so that I can create a new identity each time.

Patois42 said...

Love both posts on the subject.

paris parfait said...

Very intriguing.

Anonymous said...

Even more poetry to enjoy! I'm liking how the two blogs are designed to reflect each identity; this prompt was made for you!
And thank your alter ego for enlightening me on the word "numpty"! I was called it (affectionately!!) the other day and thought it was briliant, but had no idea what it meant or where it came from. I'll now be able to engage in affectionate Scots banter with my "blethering" friend!

rel said...

Having more than one personna makes life doubly wonderful. Multiplies the avenues you can explore! ;-)

Crafty Green Poet said...

Remiman - very true!

Unfolding Rose - thanks and enjoy you're blethering in Scots!

Patois, paris parfait - thanks.

Tori - yes moving is a good excuse to adopt a new identity.

Colleen - yes Alter Ego does look a bit gothy!

Jone said...

I have enjoyed your personnas from both blogs. We would be boring if we were just one dimentional. I hope people see I have different personnas.

Tammy Brierly said...

I love that you shared another side of! We don't have goth in the country. I like your poetry of angst and lost love.

Anonymous said...

How intriguing and fun...

I'm off to discover your secret alter ego. :)