Saturday 18 June 2022

Birdwatching from the Window During COVID

 So, we've been confined to the flat for several days now, due to having the COVID. Luckily, although we live in a very built up part of Edinburgh, we have plenty of birds to watch from our window. 

The lesser black backed gulls across the road are raising a chick, who is now a bundle of fluff that likes to run around on the flat top roof; 

A group of starlings recently suddenly appeared on the chimneys opposite us, sat there for a while, then disappeared; 

We watched a pair of woodpigeons sitting on a chimney pot, billing and cooing and then they mated and soon after that flew off; 

Collared doves often perform their display flights for us to admire

and of course the swifts fly around, though fewer than there used to be, which is very sad, they're declining rapidly across the UK. We're still hoping that they may decide to nest in our recently installed nestbox. 

What birds can you see from your window?


eileeninmd said...

I hope you feel better soon, recover quickly.
It is sad the swifts are declining.
Take care, have a great weekend.

Rambling Woods said...

I do a lot of birdwatching from the window all year round here...

Crafty Green Poet said...

Hi Michelle - so do I, there's always lots to see, especially in spring and summer!