Sunday 13 September 2020

In Search of Otters

 Yesterday, Crafty Green Boyfriend and I went to Dunsapie Loch on Arthur's Seat, largely as we had heard an otter had been seen there recently. 

The otter normally lives around Duddingston Loch 

and must have scrambled up the hill to get to Dunsapie Loch. It may be a youngster checking out a potential new home.

We didn't see the otter, though it was lovely to see the family of mute swans 

When we walked back down the hill we heard the distinctive sound of a raven so we stopped to watch this pair, which look like an adult and juvenile 

A kestrel hovered nearby, while we were interested in the pretty pattern on this snail's shell

The hawthorn shrubs are covered in berries now 

It's certainly starting to feel like Autumn.


Lowcarb team member said...

Yes, Autumn is approaching now isn't it.
Lovely photographs, shame you didn't see an otter but those mute swans are nice.

All the best Jan

betty-NZ said...

Sorry you didn't find an otters but you did find other lovelies to photograph!

Feel free to share at My Corner of the World

Birgitta said...

Very nice photos! I like this time of year.

Gershon Ben-Avraham said...

Juliet, I feel like I visited Scotland this morning. Thank you!

eileeninmd said...

Gorgeous views. I love the swans and that cute snail.
Take care, enjoy your new week!

RG said...

Nice! Thanks. We here in the far NW corner of continental US are still smoke and gloom enshrouded and will be for awhile. Not a lot of fun out this way - not fires near us but the smoke travels far - many folks in the US West are in lots of big fire and smoke trouble.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Thanks everyone

Betty- I'd like to share on My Corner of the World, but you seem to have a new link sharing system, not sure it works for me

Rabbits Guy - the fires over there just sound truly horrible.