Monday 3 August 2020

Butterflies and Lovely Views, Arthurs Seat

Last Friday was a beautiful sunny day so we took the afternoon off and walked round Arthur's Seat, the first time we've been there since March. It's as beautiful as ever:

We were delighted to see butterflies, including one small copper

and several graylings

Graylings are declining in Scotland, but Arthur's Seat is one of their Edinburgh strongholds. You can read more about this special butterfly in this article on the Scottish Pollinators' blog, written by Anthony McCluskey of Butterfly Conservation. (Thanks to Crafty Green Boyfriend for the butterfly photos in this post).

We'll enter these butterfly records into the Big Butterfly Count which runs until 9 August.


eileeninmd said...


The scenery and views are beautiful. Great sighting and photo of the butterfly.
Take care and enjoy your day!

Sherrie said...

Beautiful the view of your
mountain...have a great day!

Simon Douglas Thompson said...

Haven't seen a small copper yet this year, and never seen a grayling. Lovely pics

Jeff said...

Great photos. Arthur's Seat is such an interesting formation and does provide great views. Have you climbed Scot's Tower?

Crafty Green Poet said...

Thanks Eileen and Sherrie.

Hi Simon, hope you see a small copper soon. Graylings are quite unusual finds, we're lucky in Edinburgh!

Thanks Jeff, I've not climbed the Scott monument in Princes Street nor Corstorphine Tower (which is also known as the Scott Tower). I get too much vertigo on long spiral staircases!

Bill said...

Thanks, Juliet. I needed that.

Lowcarb team member said...

Beautiful butterflies.
I enjoyed all of your photographs.

All the best Jan

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Fabulous photos. I love seeing the flora and fauna of other countries. I remember reading about Scotland in the National Geographic when I was a child. I always wanted to go there. I still hope to make it.

Rambling Woods said...

I have not been out searching for butterflies as much this year..lovely photos