Wednesday 10 June 2020

Crafting for #30DaysWild

I recently made this fabric collage of an imagined scene from Craiglockart Dell along the Water of Leith. It was very relaxing to make and as with all my crafts, the materials are all upcycled or were bought in second hand shops.

The base is a square of white felt (from a second hand shop), the green grass is a thin fabric upcycled from a failed attempt at a scarf I made from a long fabric scrap, the floral fabric is cut from a fabric scrap as are the pieces of brown tweed type fabric representing the tree trunks (these were already basically these shapes, I just needed to cut them off from the rest of the fabric.) The silver flowers are upcycled from a broken bracelet and the felt leaves and satin butterfly came from second hand craft kits. I've left some of the fabric edges rough to reflect that nature isn't about straight lines.

Crafting for #30DaysWild.


Gershon Ben-Avraham said...

Excellent Juliet! So right: " nature isn't about straight lines."

Magyar said...

__ Grand Juliet! You building art from that which is not, the new in the old.

One's creativity is such art; while another's fills the trash.

Caroline Gill said...

I love this, and particularly the way in which the roots of the trees have been allowed to go beyond the boundary of the collage!

Bill said...

It's a beautiful piece, and the way you work with and against the frame adds to the excitement.

87 summers
learning to color
outside the lines

Crafty Green Poet said...

Gershon - thanks! Too many people think nature should be about straight lines

Magyar - 'building art from that which is not' is a great phrase, thanks

Thanks Caroline

Bill - thanks for your comment on my piece and your lovely 'ku!

Lowcarb team member said...

A very nice piece :)

All the best Jan