Friday 3 March 2017

World Wildlife Day

 mute swan with cygnets, Union Canal, Edinburgh, 2011

Today is World Wildlife Day, the date chosen to mark the day of signature of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). The theme this year is “Listen to the Young Voices.” 

Young people are often considered not to be connected with nature as they spend so much time sitting with the computer or playing on mobile devices and not getting outdoors. However, it seems to me that a lot of young people are concerned about environmental issues and they are very interested in the natural world if they're encouraged to experience the great outdoors! Many organisations take school groups outdoors - including the Water of Leith Conservation Trust, whose Education Officer regularly takes groups of children out into the wooded Dells along the river for river dipping and other activities. 

There are many wonderful television programmes about wildlife, but many of them focus on the wildlife of faraway places and give a sense that it's only in those places where the wildlife and nature is worth learning about. In the UK, Springwatch and related programmes are great for focussing on UK wildlife and even better in that they encourage viewers to get outdoors and to take part in wildlife surveys and to do things to help their local wildlife. 
Whatever your age, though, the best way to enjoy and learn about wildlife is to get out there (if you can) in your local area! If you are observant and pay attention, there's a lot to be seen, whether it's a beautiful moss growing in a wall or the ducks in your local pond

There are events happening across the world to mark World Wildlife Day. Find out what's happening near you here.


eileeninmd said...

Hello, I did not know it was World Wildlife Day. I love the shot of the swans.

Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

Simon Douglas Thompson said...

if you introduce them you, the majority of kids I'm sure will love getting into nature

Marcie said...

Beautiful photo of the swans! I like to believe that EVERYDAY is world wildlife day!

RG said...

Lots going on - but gosh - it is still trying to get over winter here . brrrr.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

What a sweet picture. I did not know about this Day -- I wish more had been made of it over here. I love when kids get out into natural surroundings and leave their electronics behind.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I was reading a lot about World Wildlife Day on Twitter yesterday...I wish we could celebrate it every day

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh dear, I did not realise it was World Wildlife Day ...
It is so good to be able to enjoy the outdoors whenever we can.

All the best Jan

Anonymous said...

I agree that there are many young people interested in this stuff - maybe more so than a lot of older people