Saturday 11 March 2017

Linlithgow Loch

We visit Linlithgow Loch every year at about this time, hoping to see the great crested grebes performing their courtship dance. Today the weather was mild and calm and we had a lovely walk all the way round the loch.

Although we saw a few grebes, they mostly weren't really interested in each other

and the only view we got of the courtship display was through a veil of reeds

 There weren't a huge number of birds on the loch overall, though we did see a pochard and several goldeneye (that didn't want to be photographed). This male mute swan was very proud

while this youngster was enjoying the grass

This male tufted duck has dressed up for the breeding season

while this female has so much white on her face we almost thought she might be a scaup

and the coots were fighting!

All bird photos by Crafty Green Boyfriend.

I did however capture this photo of our favourite alder tree by the loch, which is looking particularly beautiful at the moment

and these lovely celandines on the bank of a stream near the loch


Marcie said...

Lovely bird photos by Crafty Green Boyfriend! There are a nice variety of birds there, aren't there?

I LOVE the alder tree. Her catkins look like ringlets! :)

Lowcarb team member said...

Lovely to see all of the photographs here but those male mute swan images are my favourite.

Hope the weekend is good for you.

All the best Jan

sage said...

Nice photos. Do the swans tend to chase other waterfowl away as they do here?

eileeninmd said...

Hello, love the pretty swans and ducks. Great series! Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and the new week ahead!