Wednesday 6 November 2013

Cammo fields - prime site for development?

I was very saddened to find out that City of Edinburgh Council is intending to designate some of the farm fields near Cammo Estate into development land with the intention of building hundreds of houses there. These fields form a lovely part of the rural-feeling setting around the Cammo Estate and I have regularly seen skylarks, yellowhammers and tree sparrows there - all species are known to be declining, are red listed in the Uk as being of highest conservation concern and are specifically mentioned in Edinburgh's Biodiversity Action Plan

The Local Development Plan to turn that part of Cammo from green belt into development land has not yet been passed, but developers are perfectly entitled to apply for planning consent and it would be a tragedy if this area of open green space is lost to housing. 

If you're concerned about this development and are in Edinburgh then you may want to go along to the exhibition and /or the public meeting on the developments.
The exhibition will be in Cramond Kirk church hall, Cramond Glebe Road. The public can view, discuss and comment upon on the proposed developments on the following days: 

14 November between 1pm and 8pm  - staffed by members of the project team
15th November 9.30am -5.30pm - unstaffed
16th November between 9.30am and 5.30pm  - staffed from 10am to 1pm
17th November 9.30am -12noon - unstaffed
The public meeting will be held at Cramond Kirk, Cramond Glebe Road at 7.30pm, Thursday 28th November. This is an important meeting for people to attend as this will be an opportunity to input into any resulting planning application and to hear the views of other residents.


eileeninmd said...

Pretty sad news for the birds!

bunnits said...

Good luck with the public meeting. I hate to see development of this sort taking place. So much of it here.

RG said...

Stand up - testify!

We are so fortunate in Washington State. We passed a "growth management act" several years ago and to build on existing agriculture land you have to do one house per 40 acres and you have to continue farming the land! So almost all new development has to be inside city limits - which have little farm lands.

Anonymous said...

good luck!

Crafty Green Poet said...

eileen - it cetainly is, but there's still time to protect the fields...

bunnits - thanks, yes too many green spaces are being lost....

Rabbits Guy - I certainly will, the Washington State growth maangement act sounds excellent

gabrielle - thanks

The Weaver of Grass said...

Oh dear Juliet - these green spaces, so important in cities and towns, are destined to get less and less I fear.

EG CameraGirl said...

Sad news, Juliet. With the Earth's population increasing as fast as it is and with homeowners demanding larger spaces in which to live, I fear many green spaces will be lost.