Tuesday 14 May 2013

Upcycled gift bags

I recently made two of these gift bags from old sleeves that were in the stash of fabric that a friend gave to me a while ago. This is something where it would be useful to post the before and after photos but Blogger is taking almost five minutes to upload a single photo so I'm sure you'll understand why I'm only sharing one photo here!.

The bags were very simple to make, as the side seams and the top patterned edging were already sewn. I just sewed up the bottom seam, opened up the edging and put in the yellow cord and then fastened the edging up again.

The fabric is quite thin so they're ideal for lightweight gifts! 


TexWisGirl said...

that is really cute! very clever!

Rambling Woods said...

They are cute ... Love that you recycle... Michelle

RG said...

Very nice. I'm afraid using needle and thread and scissors might sort of intimidate me. I have to stick to wire, pliers, and a hammer!

Little Miss Titch said...


Deb Upcycles said...

Very nice! Pretty!