Tuesday 28 May 2013

Blooming Dells

Colinton Dell along the Water of Leith is a wonderful mass of flowers and blossom at the moment. Here are just a few:

apple blossoms in the Hidden Meadow

wild garlic

red campion and bluebells

a buttercup lawn

ivy leaved toadflax

water avens 

wych elm

The Dells were full of birdsong today too, just such a wonderful sound. I was excited to see a roe deer running alongside the path, but then saddened when I realised it was being chased by a dog.


EG CameraGirl said...

So lovely! Everything looks so fresh.

TexWisGirl said...

just beauty all around!

Ms Sparrow said...

There are so many things to love about Spring.

Caroline Gill said...

What lovely photos. I don't think I have ever encountered Wood Avens before ... an intriguing plant! We saw our first Damsel and Dragons of the season yesterday when the sun came out. Back to cool grey cloud today, but we had great weather over the w/e.

Little Miss Titch said...

so pretty!!!

Tommaso Gervasutti said...

Splendid. The final photo is a beauty of leaf and flower in the same blossom.

Titus said...

Beautiful! You're definitely a couple of weeks ahead of us.

eileeninmd said...

Very pretty blooms. My hubby will leave the buttercups around our yard, he likes the color. Beautiful photos.

RG said...

April showers, they bring the flowers, that bloom in May!

Lené Gary said...

The water avens are especially lovely. I've never seen anything quite like them. :)

Christina said...

So beautiful. I can smell them!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Everything is beautiful -- I love meadow wildflowers. And the wych elm tree blossom" is fascinating.

nmj said...

I love the water avens, had not heard of them before now!

HKatz said...

I love these photos.

Do you know of any good online resources where one can learn the names of plants and flowers? I know a bunch, but would like to be able to identify more (your layout with photos and labeled text reminded me of this). Or, beyond online material, good books of the sort?

Hannah Stephenson said...

AAAAH! Beautiful!! Look at all those lovely blooms, and all that green.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Hkatz - I know plenty of resources for the UK, but not for the US unfortunately