Monday, 16 January 2012

A poem for Monday Bunday

I was delighted when Rabbits' Guy and Bunny Lady asked me to write a poem for Zoey and Chico, two of their bunnies who were recently bonded with each other. The two bunnies look so happy together now!

You can see the latest photo of the happy couple and read my poem for them on the House of Rabbits blog here.

On Wednesday, I'm delighted to say, I'll have a guest post (about veggie food in Scotland) up on Vegetarian at Large!


bunnits said...

Juliet, the poem was delightful and just perfect for the perfect couple.

eileeninmd said...

What cute bunnies and I love the poem.

Hannah Stephenson said...

Adorable. I'm looking forward to your post on Wednesday--my husband and I are vegetarians, too! Yay!

madhat said...

Haven't dared venture into the Vegetarian blog yet which comes with a 'may contain content only suitable for adults' warning ... is it safe? ;-)

Crafty Green Poet said...

Thanks bunnits, eileen and Hannah - and yes they're adorable aren't they!

Kat, yes I did enjoy your poem.

madhat - yes its fine, I've never worked out why it says that....

Howard of Belvedere Mountain Express said...

I just clicked on the link to Vegetarian at Large, and it asked me to confirm that I’m prepared to view ‘adult’ content! I wonder what kind of risqué web site it could be … or maybe I’ve been reading too much of late!

RG said...


Crafty Green Poet said...

Howard, as far as I can tell the site is not at all 'adult' in content, but then I haven't read that much of it!

Rabbits Guy - you're welcome, thank you for featuring my poem!

Titus said...

Super lovely!

And husband excited about Wednesday! He gets very tired of the usual one or two 'vegetarian options' on offer in many restaurants. Often feel (and taste!) like an afterthought.

RoadBunner said...

I loved the poem.

Christina said...

It was a lovely poem.