Friday, 28 September 2007


It's easy to feel that as individuals we're not powerful. That we don't matter in the face of the vested interests of governments and big businesses. That what we do can't make a difference. But it's not true, we can all do our bit, to reduce our impact on the environment, to improve our neighbourhoods, to stand up for injustice. More importantly though we can join together, by all doing our bit, by adding our voices to campaigns and protests, by blogging about what we care about. If we all make our voices heard, then together we are very powerful. If we all make a conscious attempt to live more environmentally friendly lives, then we are even more powerful.

Powerful for Sunday Scribblings


nonizamboni said...

Great reminder. And hopeful. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. I sure wish people would try a little harder sometimes to do what is needed to make the difference.

Anonymous said...

Power to you ...and how often one voice becomes a stornger voices when all one person join hands

Good reminder


Larry Kollar said...

What Nonizamboni said... great reminder!

Just remember: even if we start out alone, setting a good example is the best way to show others the way. When people see that an environmentally friendly life isn't a hardship, they'll be more likely to take their first steps as well. I remember long ago, seeing an article in (I think) Reader's Digest about someone who started improving her part of a run-down neighborhood… before long, her neighbors had joined in and they were soon living in a place worth being proud of.

Beau Brackish said...

So true. Those in power want us to feel powerless so we will allow them to continue their destructive ways.

We have the power to make a difference with every action we take.

ANA said...

I second that...we all should do our part individually and that combined, WILL make a difference. Great post!

Jo said...

Yes yes yes

Anonymous said...

I fully endorse that. I try doing my bit saving the environment and working fo abused children. I know it is not enough.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Gautami - it never feels like enough, but if we all genuinely try then its at least a good start.

Farfetched - good point, I'd add that to my post if I had more time. I might do so later.

Nonizamboni, lisa, nasra, herb, jo, anna - thanks.

Karen Travels said...

Yes! This reminds me of that bumper sticker: "Be the change you want to see in the world."

paisley said...

oh to be young,,, and still believe.....

Anonymous said...

I try to do my bit, but every so often I need a good kick in the backside, thanks for that kick!

Anonymous said...

If we can do a simple thing, and ease another's pain, turn off a light, pick up makes a difference even if it is in a tiny speher.

Remeber the old saying: think globally act locally.
Nice post

Oceanshaman said...

Wake up,
Do the next right thing that lies before us,
Do it fully,
Do it well . . .

A Paperback Writer said...

I am 42 and a cynic, but Crafty's right. One person can make a difference.
Seven or eight years ago, I was the only person who kept a recycling box for paper at the school where I teach. (Schools go through an awful lot of paper each day.) I kept at it, and one science teacher kept at it -- and today, nearly every teacher recycles paper. Plus, we have special containers for paper in the copy room and teachers' mail room (all that junk mail). So now I'm starting on plastic bottles at school.....

There's an old saying I used to hang on my bedroom wall as a teen. I don't know who wrote it, but it goes like this:

I am only one, but I am one. I can't do everything, but I can do something. And what I can do, I ought to do. And what I ought to do, by the grace of God, I will do.

I'm no idealistic teen anymore, but I still agree with the above. One person may only influence one other person, but the ripple effect will happen. If you sit around and believe you can do nothing, you won't do anything. If you were one of my teenagers with such an attitude in class, I'd tell you to stop whining and get moving. But you are not, so I have attempted some tact here. Granted, I've never been very good at tact, but I have made an attempt.
Go donate your old clothes to a charity. Use a drying rack instead of an electric or gas drier. Take your cans and bottle to a recycling center. Insulate your home. These things aren't hard, but they help. You can make a difference even if you're not super-crafty like our poet friend here.
Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now. Tell me I'm rude, if you like. I am blunt, but it works.
(My apologies to all for the rant.)

Crafty Green Poet said...

Paperback writer, thanks for your response to paisley. I agree with you entirely.

Paisley - I'm not that young any more. I think we have to believe or we lose all hope.

Bondbloke - you're welcome!

Karen - I know that saying too.

Susan - exactly - and all the tiny things add up.

Oceanshaman - yes, I agree

Kamsin said...

It is when we come together that we really do have power. I don't think we were ever really meant to fight something alone.

Becca said...

The power of one~I believe :)

Thanks for reminding and encouraging us.

Robin said...

yes! (I was going to say "yes yes yes" but Jo stole my line)

Anonymous said...

Yes!!!!!!!!! Wonderful reminder. We can make a difference. It's so important to have hope and to know that power of one single human being can make a difference! Thank you for this, and for your blog which always makes a difference. :)

Menopauseprincess said...

You are so right. We can definitely start with the "man in the mirror". Actions have rippling effects.

Unknown said...

I still feel powerless over the political system in my own country. But I keep on voting and speaking up. Pithy post!

Jennifer Hicks said...

right...if we use our power wisely we're gold!

Deb G said...

Oh so true : )

Patois42 said...

You are so right. Slowly, many of us are starting to make a difference. Excellent thoughts.

Unknown said...

Power to the people! Crafty for President!

Janice Thomson said...

A timely and apt post Juliet. It does after all start right at home doesn't it - in this way we can achieve power and bit by bit change the world.

Lucy said...

Absolutely True! thanks for the reminder. Love the debate going on in the comments. :)
We must believe in making a change,whether old or young!

Tumblewords: said...

Great post - it is up to us! Lucy's right - the conversation in comments is a fine use of power!

harmonyinline said...

Your right if each one of us does our little bit it matters

Rethabile said...

You said it.

tricia stirling said...

i'm with colorful prose--i'll vote for you!(different nationalities notwithstanding.) thanks for the hopeful reminder!

Anonymous said...

Funny how such a short post can say so much.
Isn't it great that we now have blogging to "get the word out" about important issues?
Thanks for visiting.
Look forward to seeing you next week.

JP (mom) said...

Go bloggers, Go! We are powerful. Peace, JP/deb

shadows and clouds said...

yay! i was given a t-shirt with a quote by the Dalai Lama which says something like the following...'if you think you're too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito'!!!

Forgetfulone said...

Yes, I guess you are correct. We all have some power, and we can choose to do some good with it.

Everydaythings said...

I am just about ready for a quiet revolution, so many things wrong out there in the world...funny enough I was thnking this the other day! Great minds think alike!!

Cherie said...

Halleluljah ... Thank YOU!