Friday, 20 July 2007


Wicked is what we're doing to the earth. Destroying so much beauty, the haunting green forests and their worlds of colour, the deserts and their tough inhabitants that are so good at making something out of seemingly nothing. Destroying other creatures' homes and our own life support system. We are many and we need places to live, but why have we lost our understanding of our home, why can modern societies not live in harmony with the land and its other inhabitants? Progress is inevitable for a creature with a brain as big as ours and the ability to speak but why is progress so often destructive? Why have we lost the one-ness with nature that so many aboriginal cultures still retain? Why do we so misunderstand these aboriginal cultures so much that we call them primitive?

Wicked for Sunday Scribblings

I recently posted about the threat to flamingoes on Lake Natron here.


intense 'feeler' said...

i totally agree with u lady. we are heading towards a disaster. we will repent

iamnasra said...

Its easy to keep assumption than to maintain or try to change thiese culture to be come like us..

Thats what happens

Paul said...

This is interesting - I just commented to Nasra how similar our current posts are and now I run into yours. It's like three posts saying the same thing in different ways.

So I agree!

Anonymous said...

I don't have an answer Crafty. It seems that some people won't be content until there is no green anywhere.



Christy Woolum said...

Why does it keep happening. We drove along a beautiful county road today and it was littered with garbage. I don't get it.

Rob Kistner said...

my god Juliet... don't get me started... the arrogance of the human race at times is overwhelming!

Beau Brackish said...

Amen! Why does so called progress put us at odds with nature? I couldn't agree more.

Oceanshaman said...

The pendulum shall swing, and we will evolve, I have no doubt . . .

Things mayhowever, have to get worse before they get better . . .

But our Earth Mother shall prevail . . .

gautami tripathy said...

We are not learning anything. We keep destroying nature.

Kamsin said...

Well said, cgp! Let's hope was can learn to repent and treat our beautiful planet the way it deserves.

Tammy Brierly said...

I just watched a TV show on Aboriginal beliefs and we should PAY ATTENTION.

Amen! Great description of wicked.

Paul said...

And what about what we're doing to each other.

Jennifer Hicks said...

if only it weren't so difficult for people to see that SMALL changes can make BIG differences we'd see great change. "Many hands make light work", yes?

Crafty Green Poet said...

Jennifer - you're very right, we can all do our bit, that's one of the purposes of this blog.

Paul - of course humans do awful things to each other too.

Tammy - exactly.

Kamsin - I hope so too.

Gautami - yes we never seem to learn do we. Or rather re-learn.

Herb - there seems to be something about human development that devalues nature, doesn't there.

Paris Parfait - thanks.

Rob - yes I think arrogance is at the heart of it.

Inland empire girl - yes everywhere its the same.

Rose - that's how it seems, yes.

Paul - yes I noticed the synchromicity between our posts too!

Nasra - yes but why?

Intense Feeler - can we avert the disaster?

BeLoved.... said...

do you hang out at i think it's one of the most green places on the internet. there are things that break my heart. it amazes me that human"kind" wants to believe it's the smartest on earth. well, maybe smart alecks, but definitely not wise!

wendy said...

I do agree with your sentiment...although I feel that what you describe is EVIL not WICKED. but this could be a you say tOmATOE, I say TaMaTa..thing....

Crafty Green Poet said...

wendy - I thought about the evil-wicked thing before posting and one of the definitions of wicked does still cover evil too so I posted this.

anni - not yet- but thanks for the link!

Giggles said...

Well put...let's hope it's not too late! You are one of the voices of change...Good job...keep it up!

Patois42 said...

You ask so many questions in need of proper answers. Wicked, indeed.

Sandie said...

I know that people in general are thinking differently than they did even 5 years ago. Almost everyone I know is thinking and making better choices, small steps, but steps in the right direction. Let's hope it is not too little, too late.

awareness said...

no answers to your very good questions....but strongly believe it is time for us to begin changing our ways...

Ian russell said...

we've isolated ourselves too much from our environment - we need a pagan initiative.

Kerstin said...

Industrial revolution hasn't been kind to our environment. Our immediate air, as well as most rivers, are actually cleaner than they used to be during coal age years and before the installation of complex sewage systems. There is less litter on the streets because now we have waste bins, compared to only a couple of hundred years ago. In many ways we ARE much better off than we used to be.

The problem is that people (in the developed countries, not those that still live by the above standards) are beginning to take all this for granted, forgetting that our water still comes from earth and not the bottle factory, that the chicken on our dinner plate was not magically created that way but slaughtered under often cruel conditions.

So what are we to do? How many of the people who have left the comments here are making a conscious effort to drive less, recycle more, buy locally grown food AND do this even if it means more inconvenience and/or cost? How many become active in trying to create more bicycle and pedestrian friendly American towns? And how many do nothing, or only a little bit, and expect the government to do the rest?

Ultimately it is a question of awareness and consideration. Be aware of your environment and what our earth gives us so generously, and be respectively considerate in your actions. The same goes for how we treat other people. Maybe I am just getting old and moany, but I am not impressed with the lack of general courtesy that I so often witness these days. People who don't respect people, will certainly not respect the environment, either.

I cannot remember which politician said it, but as a society we have a "values" problem. That's where we need to start.

(Sorry about the novella comment! It turned out much longer than intended)

Wicked good post :)

nonizamboni said...

Juliet--I've pondered your comment on my blog on this subject all day and want you to know that I totally agree that we've been selfish, cruel, unthinking and I too share the fear that sometimes it seems there's no turning back. Thanks for the reminder, even though my post was meant as a cynical expression of my fears. It gives me hope to fight the good fight to know so many people care as well.
mary ann

mbc said...

Thank you for the nice comments left on my blog. I'm trying to become more environmentally conscious. I've always recycled but now I'm more aware of the packaging I buy and I take my plastic bags to be recycled. I want to eventually take a reusable bag instead of taking the plastic. Little steps; I try to do better everyday.