Friday, 13 July 2007

Green Hair

No I've not dyed my hair green! I like my hair the way it is, long and brown with a touch of auburn. No the green is environmentally friendly! Haircare is probably for a lot of women pretty environmentally damaging with all the chemicals in shampoos and conditioners, the electricity for the hairdryer. These things can be bad for the hair too.

I wash my hair when it needs it, if I washed it too much the ends would dry and break. I use Yaoh shampoo and conditioner, which are made from 99% pure natural ingredients and the couple of artificial ingredients in there don't include such baddies as parabens and sodium lauryl sulphate. I let my hair dry naturally, I haven't had a hairdryer for 20 years.

I cut my own hair and have never dyed it or had highlights. I would consider using henna when I go grey, but it would depend how I went grey, sometimes grey hair can look really beautiful. I will eventually wear my hair shorter, but that's several years in the future.

Hair for Sunday Scribblings


spacedlaw said...

Hoorray for green hair !
I refuse to dye mine and I love my barber for not insisting that I do so.

Anonymous said...

That should be our new battle cry. "Green Hair for The Earth!"



Anonymous said...

Juliet, I too never use chemicals on my hair. Mostly herbal shampoos and warm Olive Oil Massage!

PS: Thanks for telling me. I deleted most of the useless links on my blog and it is loading much faster unless blogger goofs up..

Rob Kistner said...

Very cool Juliet -- I applaud your gumption!! Ah, but wait.. didn't you get the memo from the conservative, fundamentalist, neo-fascist, head-in-the-sand-and-deeply-up-their-ass , resource-raping, power-guzzling, money-grubbing right-wingers? ...all that 'green' stuff isn't necessary -- there is no threat to our planet!

Annie said...

Thanks for the tip on the shampoo. Good for you! I'm going gray and several people have told me to color my hair. I dunno, it seems like a lot of upkeep to me. Thanks for the info.

Tammy Brierly said...

Good for you! I cut my hair off and the gray is almost enough to look nice enough to not color. :)

Lucy said...

Be careful with Henna, It can cause a terrible build up on your hair... I say... Keep it green. :)

Christy Woolum said...

I wondered if this was a post about accidently ending up with green hair. This green is much better. I am glad I am not the only person that doesn't wash their hair every day of the week! I am trying to let it dry naturally. I just need to be more organized in the morning!

Crafty Green Poet said...

Spacedlaw - its good when hairdressers/barbers don't push people into dyeing etc.

Rose - great rallying cry!

Gautami - warm olive oil massage sounds good!

Paris - oh yes I think I heard you could get organic semi permanent colours now. Good idea.

Rob - lol!

Annie, Tammy - I know a lot of people who have nice looking grey hair, its not always necessary to dye it.

Lucy - i didn't know that about henna - thanks!

Gill said...

I use organic shampoo and conditioner too and it's wonderful. I must tell my daughter I have "green hair" - she'll love that ;-)

Beau Brackish said...

If we could get every pretty boy newsreader on local, cable and network news to renounce hairspray we could reverse global warming trends in ten years.

Hell, Sean Hannity alone pumps more CO2 into his hair helmet than a fleet of hummers. Don't even get me started on Fox and Friends.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Herb - you're so right, we just don't generally factor in haircare when we think of global warming and other environmental problems!

Gill - yes organic is definitely the best!

inland empire girl - washing hair every day is over-rated isn't it?

Patois42 said...

Thanks for the shampoo tip. I've never been one for doing anything with the hair -- just as I don't go for make-up -- and now I can add to my reasons that it's environmentally sensitive.

Kamsin said...

I only use a hairdryer in the winter as my hair takes so long to dry and even more so in the cold winter months, it looks far nice if I let it dry naturally though. Where do you get chemical free shampoo, I've no idea where to look?

Unknown said...

I'm with Rose. "Great hair for the Earth!"
You go green girl!

Giggles said...

I do put a wash out color on it to hide a few bits of grey! I just can’t give in to anything permanent quite yet. I can’t wrap my mind around losing my natural chestnut colored hair! Nice post! Going green is a great choice!

Hugs from Canada

rel said...

I applaud your committment to our environment! I became aware back in 1970 when we started gardening organically, composting and erasing chemicals out of our lives. It's not all that difficult, and today, believe it or not it's easier to be green than when we started. Back then we had to make all our own bread, yogurt, and peanut butter because it wasn't available in the retail outlets. I'll stop here before I get to long winded. ;-)

Crafty Green Poet said...

Kamsin - I buy my shampoo from a local wholefoods shop, I think you can buy Yaoh products from their website - just follow the link in the post!

Patois - I don't wear make-up either!

Sherrie - I like my natural colour too!

Remiman - organic gardening in the 1970s - impressive!

Kay Cooke said...

Interesting thoughts about green hair - I like it!

Catherine said...

I've just discovered Lush shamppos and conditioners, which are fairly "green" I think. They also do a variety of henna treatments, though I haven't tried those. (My daughter dyed her hair green, literally, once)

Crafty Green Poet said...

Catherine - yes Lush are pretty green, nice products too.

Chiefbiscuit - thanks!

shadows and clouds said...

green hair would be curious! i'm also of the group that doesn't do SLS and chemicals in shampoo, though they're tough to find in small town italy, and cost the earth! we tried making a shampoo from the soap nuts we have for the washing machine, it says you can do so! cutting my hair is good fun too, i wear it quite short, stand in front of the mirror, take off my glasses (risky, i know, but they get in the way!) and cut! it's fun! how do you dry your hair quickly in winter without catching cold? i am curious! please let us know! since december we have decided to live without a fridge, and so far it's going well, but i would need help for winter hairdrying techniques!

sundaycynce said...

Hooray for you!! Really! I don't wash my hair but every second or third day (by then it does need it) and I also air-dry (natural air). I hate hair dryers. But I must admit to using color with chemicals to color myself back to my natural dark auburnish brown, but never more often than every 3 months. I am just not happy with the gray at my temples and crown.
Thanks for setting a great example and sharing it.

Deb G said...

Yeah for green hair! I don't use a hair dryer either or dye it. I did try Henna once-no problems. Have you tried washing with baking soda paste and rinsing with vinegar? It makes me giggle.