I was delighted to win the last crusade at the GPP Street Team site (my name was pulled out of a democratic hat!). Yesterday I got the prizes in the post and look what i got! There are two folders (one large, one small) for filing collage materials (Michelle had obviously read my mind on that one, as I was looking to buy something like this!); a lovely scrapbook that I think I will fill with illustrated haiku; a notebook, a to-do-list book; various sticky labels (some in the shape of the letter J!!); a large rubber stamp (with a print out of it, showing that it is the special Juliet design!), a CD that looks as though it will be excellent (and I'll review it on my Alter Ego blog, once I've listened to it a couple of times!) and a lovely pink felt heart! So thank you Michelle, for all these lovely prixes and thank you also for the inspiring challenges!
hey juliet! now you have to cut all those images apart from the rubber sheet....do you know how to use unmounted stamps? most artists use an acrylic block to temporarily mount each image. i like to permanently mount moine on thick foam - see here:
Wow this is great! I hope you enjoy all of your goodies!
Thanks again for sending me the goodies Michelle and thanks for the link I was wondering a little how to use these stamps!
Bella - I will enjoy, thanks!
I just found your blog, it was a great read! On the subject of sticky labels a while back i found a british labels company who printed me some sticky labels for a really low price. If interested then it may be worth taking a look at their website as they did many types of label printing.
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