
Saturday 27 November 2010

Gorgie City Farm

We went to Gorgie City Farm today, partly lured by the promise of waxwings, as Deb (whose photoblog you can see here) had seen 60 or so waxwings near the farm the other day.

It had snowed last night and the farm was covered in a light dusting of white. The chickens and turkeys seemed unhappy with the cold though the pigs, Fudge the cow and Red the horse all seemed happy enough. Red actually was looking particularly well given that he's been really ill recently. The sheep were all in their shed, the black bunnies (Ebony and Sugar) were out in their enclosure, seemingly not caring about the snow, the other bunnies were in their shed and the goats seemed happy in their snowy fields. The wildlife garden was full of blue tits, long tailed tits and house sparrows while the trees bordering the farm were full of waxwings.

We were quite surprised and honoured even that Dexter the farm cat came out of his hiding place in the shrubbery to say hello to us.

We were delighted that the Farm Produce Stall was open, now selling books and bric-a-brac as well as locally grown fruit, vegetables and eggs (much of which come from the farm itself).  So we stocked up on vegetables before having lunch in the Farm Cafe, which as well as serving excellent snacks and meals, has a wildlife book, where we entered our sightings of the waxwings!

As ever, the red text in this post contains hyperlinks where you can find out more!


  1. Hello Juliet - Thank you for visiting my blog!
    Dexter the farm cat is a very handsome fellow, isn't he?
    Gorgie City Farm sounds like a wonderful place, and I'll bet the cafe food is delicious. Your first snowfall looks lovely.
    Hope to visit again soon.
    -- K
    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  2. What a handsome cat Dexter is and how wonderful that you were able to see him, and take his picture. I hope all the farm animals are keeping warm. :)

  3. Oh, lovely! Our waxwings haven't showed yet either, and we normally get at least one flock.
    Lovely sunshine and snowdust shot!

  4. Anonymous3:36 am

    I heard about the snow that you've been getting - sounds cold. The farm sounds wonderful :)

  5. Thanks for the farm update!!!

  6. We have more snow now than you have in your picture...and it's so cold here but it's refreshing and beautiful.
    Have a good week ahead, miau - that's what cats say in Finland :)

  7. A wonderful invitation to join you for jour ey and lunch. Place and intimacy of detail so much a pleashre of sharing here

    Stay warm this winter

  8. utterly charming shot. the farm sounds like just my kind of place.


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