
Friday 26 November 2010

The Cramond Fish

It's the St Andrew's Day weekend! We had a lovely trip to Cramond today. The weather was perfect, blue skies, cold but very little wind. Crafty Green Boyfriend took this photo of the Cramond Fish sculpture (by Ronald Rae, erected 19 April 2009) that I've admired on my last few trips down to Cramond. (Slightly early for Shadow Shot Sunday!)

We also saw a good number of birds, though the tide was so far out that some of them were too far away to identify. We did however get good looks at: lapwing, oystercatcher, curlew, bar tailed godwit, dunlin, redshank and shelduck.

Remember, as ever, if the text is in red, it means you can click your way through to a web page with more information!


  1. I shall fly over to visit your birds by clicking the red link. Thanks.

  2. My but the tide IS out! Clamming and oysterint there? Don't see any one out there.

  3. Anonymous11:17 pm

    That sculpture is awesome (and what a place to put it!).

  4. Lovely light, Juliet ... and no snow? It's bitter here.

  5. I love Crammond. It must have been freezing when you were there. Beautiful photo.

  6. this is a great scene. i love how the sculpture just looks like the remains of some forsaken civilization out there on its own.

  7. Anonymous3:20 pm

    That looks like a great place for birds. The sculpture is neat, too. Thanks for making the photo large so I could get a really good look at it.

  8. Your tides do disappear into the distance.
    Nice shot too.

  9. Very interesting sculpture and the shadow is perfect :)

  10. It seems that the fish has landed at high tide, and failed to ride the tide back out. The oystercatcher, curlew, bar tailed godwit and dunlin have such interesting and long bill, we are assured that these bills will find them all a tasty meal at the cold but sunny beach...

  11. Great shot for the day, Juliet! Love the sculpture and what a great place for it!! Love the blue skies and I'm glad you had a great day! Enjoy your weekend!


  12. Anonymous5:54 pm

    That is an incredible sculpture, I like it very much. Nice late-day shadow to enhance the tail.

  13. What a lovely sculpture! Great shadow shot for the week!

  14. Lovely fishy shadows, Juliet!
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  15. That is an amazing shot with one gorgeous fish ! .. I love the mono tones of the beach and the colour of that fish .. i had to enlarge it because it is so gorgeous !
    It is sunny but cold here in Kingston .. the snow maiden will soon dance her way here for good ! LOL
    Joy : )

  16. I'm still trying to figure out the fish, but the shoreline is wonderful!!!

  17. What a gorgeous sculpture - so many many years since I went to Cramond.

  18. Oh what a cool sculpture - we love that it is there on the much better than a concrete walk or museum! Enjoy your weekend Juliet!

  19. What an absolutely beautiful shot of a wonderful sculpture. So nice to have it right there near the water too.

  20. Looks like a beautiful day. Very nice!


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