Saturday 16 January 2010

Light. Leaves. Shadows


Chubby Chieque said...

Looks you're having a wonderful day overthere.

Great captured during winter day.

Happy SS...

Eryl said...

Gosh, your plant knows how to wield a light sabre!

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Simplicity and beauty at it's best!

Tania said...

Wow! This is really beatiful shots!:-)

Ralph said...

That appears to be a well defined sunbeam that pierces the room. Yet the linear beam leaves a stout angle that can offer a cold shape. The plant leaves a wonderfully complex shadow, the leaves a whimsical swirly view. Such a fine capture!

Martha Z said...

A shaft of light to brighten the darkness.

Sylvia K said...

Lovely shadow and it's simplicity is what does it! Been hard to find those shadow shots these days! Hope you have a great weekend1


steven said...

early morning and late afternoon light shadows off the plants are food for the soul! nice pics. steven

bobbie said...

Really lovely shots. Don't you love it when a shaft of sunlight comes into the room like that.

Beverley Baird said...

What lovely shadows! So good to have sunshining inside!

Eden said...

Beautiful shadow shots..

Titus said...

Is that a shaft of sunlight? Fabulous if 'tis, but something slightly surreal all the same. Really interesting shots.

A Wild Thing said...

What an interesting angle, good catch, brilliant sun!

Dimple said...

Very inventive, your title, and also true! Nice shots!

DILLIGAF said...

Fantastic pics old bean. Truly wonderful stuff!!!

Maximus Spittimus has asked me to thank you for visiting his blog.

All the best

Four Dinners

Aide de Camp
Maximus Spittimus

Amanda at 32˙North said...

These are beautiful - so steamy and jungle-y.

Hey Harriet said...

These are sweet. The comment from Eryl Shields made me laugh!

Sorry you had some hassles with Mr Linky earlier. I see all is ok now. Mr Linky may have been out on a tea break or something. Rumour has it that he takes a lot of tea breaks :)

Gena @ Thinking Aloud said...

Clever shadow post!
Gena @ Thinking Aloud

wanderlust said...

Very pretty. The light looks like a flame.

Serendipity said...

Pretty shots :)

B : ) said...

Those shots are almost reverent. Thanks. B : )

Why don't you come on over to my blog and visit a while

BLOGitse said...

these SSS pictures are cute :)
Have a great week ahead!

Margaret Gosden said...

Beautiful shadows without their origins - perhaps the equivalent of haiku. Thanks for visiting.

Dianne said...

I thought of a light sabre too :)

Birgitta said...

Great shadow photos!

Anonymous said...

I thought I was silly thinking 'light sabre' - and then I saw Eryl's comment, so it's not just me!! Super photos!

robin. said...

the leaves look like reaching fingers...fingers reaching for the warmth of the light.

Tom Hilton said...

Lovely--simple and striking.

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Beautiful shadow shot photos! Just enough to lighten up my day!

B i r g i t t a said...

That was really a romantic soft touch of shadows - like it a lot :)

Cassie said...

Wouldn't your shadow shots here make a lovely fabric pattern? I like 'em!

Carol said...

Beautiful shadow the softness

Sarah said...

I like the finger like leaves and your play on words! Your new header is lovely too.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Well done!

Twinkle Star Art said...

These are lovely shadow shots with the golden glow.

Patti said...

The plants create some wonderful shadows.. I'm laughing at Eryl Shields' comment. It does look the plant is wielding a light sabre. ;-)

storyteller said...

Lovely play with light and shadows ... I like the perspective of the second shot best.
Hugs and blessings,

Jazzbumpa said...

Stark pictures.
Clever words.
Nicely done.


GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

These are such interesting shadow shots!!!

jabblog said...

Very atmospheric shots - thank you for sharing.