Saturday 24 October 2009

Shadowy goose

nene, Hawaiian goose, Martin Mere, Wildfowl and Wetlands reserve
photo taken by Crafty Green Boyfriend


The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

That is the silliest shadow we've looks like the goose is in a tutu! (dancing to swan lake perhaps?!!)

whizkid said...

one bird, two shadows!! :) cool, i say..

XoXo said...

Ha! You made me laugh by the caption so cute-crafty green the shadow shot is cool too.

penny said...

A walk on the wild side with Goose and his shadow. Its a very crafty shot :D

A Wild Thing said...

I used to raise Canada geese, they never failed to amuse...what a beautiful bird!

bobbie said...

The goose's shadow looks rather delicate. Very nice!

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

That is so cool, I love the subtle colors.

Beverley Baird said...

Great shadow! I had fun with birds this summer - they can be so fun to watch!

WH said...

Nice tones! Great pic.

My name is Riet said...

That is a lovely picture. Gret reflection. Thak you for visiting

Sylvia K said...

What a fun shadow shot! I love it! Best laugh of the day!

Happy SSS!


robin. said...

...happy bird, looks like it likes showing off it's shadow...

happy sss.

Unknown said...

Great textures in your SS--what a show-off goose!

Ralph said...

He is stepping nicely across the ground. His shadow is equally proud as it paces alongside this waterfowl. Both can be pests yet both step with authority whan above the waterline...

Catherine said...

what a delightful perky shadow!!

Thomma Lyn said...

hehe, what a cute picture -- cute of the goose, and cute of its shadow. :)

Martha Z said...

That shadow looks like he is taking flight when he is really just strolling along. Great shot.

Carolyn Ford said...

Now this is just too cute! I love it...makes me laugh!

Tom Hilton said...

Fun shot. The goose seems so dignified--it's almost as if the shadow is mocking it.

steven said...

the shadow looks like a busted bumbershoot! steven

Jasmine said...

I love geese so much :)

Rosebud Collection said...

What a great shadow. I enjoy seeing the geese fly overhead. You hear a honking sound and there they go, heading somewhere out of here for the summer. Wish I could fly..ha, ha.
Have a great week. Happy SSS.

Tom said...

Where do I start?
I called by to say thank you for your visit and to see your Weekend Reflection shot... but boy did I find more... Loved the rainbow for Sky Watch... and I know that when I browse through your blog there will be more for me to find of interest.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Love the shape of this goose shadow! If you look at it sideways, it looks like an umbrella in the process of collapsing! Very interesting! And love the unknown shadow at the top of the photo!

Hot Fudge said...

Ah, you brought back some happy memories of my year in Canada way back in 1969 when I was young, single and carefree. Beautiful shot.

Under a Tin Roof Sky said...

I would love to say how sweet but I know geese are cheeky so I'll say, "What a cool photograph for SSS!" I really like it, the simplicity of it, tell CGPB I said, "Yeah!"

Anonymous said...

Hehehe. Don't you feel sorry for this goose? Hehehehe. It's trying to act so dignified and everyone is laughing at it? Hehehehe. ;-)

Hey Harriet said...

Clever Crafty Green Boyfriend! An interesting shadow because it looks like the head is in the middle of the body...odd, but really cool!

Anonymous said...

Looks like he is trying to run away from his shadow. He is a cutie!

Patti said...

"Me and My Shadow ...."

This silly goose has a silly shadow. Great capture.

I like the shadow from his (her) friend as well.

Unknown said...

I'll be in Hawaii on Tuesday. I'll look for a nene or two. Hopefully some other interesting (and native) birds too.

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Doesn't it look like the goose's shadow is dancing but the goose is not? What a fun shot!

Elaine Yim said...

This is a good reflection shot.

Carin said...

Hihi that shadow made me laugh! It is funny in a way, still I really like it. Nice capture!

Have a nice week!

Christina said...

What great work! Crafty green boyfriend is very talented.

Thank you for your comments and support.

DoanLegacy said...

Beautiful shot!

EJ said...

Great shot!

Here's my first Shadow Shot Sunday

storyteller at Sacred Ruminations said...

Adorable capture of this little bird and its shadow! Thanks for visiting my shadow mosaic. Hope you and yours have a wonderful Sunday.
Hugs and blessings,

Carly said...

haha, love your shot today!

Martha said...

Cute shadow shot! Love the rainbow in the previous entry too - gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

My first thought was 'cute'!! Second thought - good photo!!

James said...

I love this picture and the rainbow too.

James said...

I love this picture and the rainbow too.

Lisa's RetroStyle said...

Great shot! What a petite little goose:D

Unknown said...

Thats a great photo... I love that the shadow looks like a different bird, just by the angle...
I hope you have a great week ahead!
~Really Rainey

BLOGitse said...

that's cute!
Have a great week!

Unknown said...

Cool shadow :)

Anonymous said...

Definitely one of your best shadows!

Carver said...

That's a great shadow shot of the goose.

Nicole said...

The "tutu" comment made me giggle.
Lovely bird and picture :D!

MyMaracas said...

Awesome. That shadow is beautiful, so animated and strange.