Friday 16 October 2009

Reflections on the Water of Leith

As many readers of this blog know, I do voluntary work looking after a section of our local river, the Water of Leith. Every Monday morning, I walk the couple of miles from the Water of Leith Visitor Centre upstream to Colinton village. It's a lovely walk and I often see grey herons and dippers and plenty of woodland birds though I've not seen a kingfisher along this stretch of river since I started doing this voluntary work, though I know there are kingfishers here, someone recently saw three of them.... Anyway here are some reflections in Colinton where the river splits into two for a little while before it joins back together at a weir.


James said...

Great reflections and that sure looks like a wonderful place to walk.

Diane AZ said...

These are lovely reflections. That sounds like pleasant work to look after part of the river in that beautiful area with the birds and all.

tapirgal said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. It gave me the opportunity to link over and find your lovely pictures of reflections and the Water of Leith. Thank you!

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

That looks like an old canal. Am I correct?

Tom said...

My kind of pictures.... I love walking by rivers and canals.... your header is excellent... those sweet chestnuts look well... I pick a few pound this week and will start roasting a few next week...

poefusion said...

always fulfilling to see what you find on your newest walk. these reflections are nice. have a great weekend.

Icy BC said...

Very calming reflections! It looks like a nice place for a walk..

Mel u said...

This does look like a wonderful place for a walk-beautifully expressed post

cieldequimper said...

C'est joli et me rappelle de bons moments à Leith!

Anonymous said...

Lovely reflections and I impressed that you are a volunteer who helps keep the river clean and healthy. The world needs more people like you!

Suburban Girl said...

Sounds like a lovely walk.

Kay Cooke said...

I always love your Water of the Leith posts ... one day I will post on 'our' Water of the Leith - very different! (or maybe not so much ...)

Regina said...

Nice reflections!

Kilauea Poetry said...

The top has a story I'm sure and the reflections are lovely-

Ebie said...

I love the tall trees reflection on the water!

Good luck to your volunteer work.

cieldequimper said...

Btw... I've got a picture of Glasgow on my other blog!

VioletSky said...

Looks a lovely place to walk and volunteer.
Noww off to see the rest of your blog...

Deb said...

Lovely walk. I've seen no kingfishers this year, either. Just wasn't in the right place at the right time.

steven said...

hello juliet - this is a such a cool volunteer role to take on . . . . i love the reflections. it's interesting to me because for the last two weeks i've been stopping at gullys, streams, ponds and taking pictures of the reflections. it's been hard to get anything that hums for me though as there's been the constant westerly breeze/wind/gale that accompanies autumn. have a lovely day. steven

Cindy said...

It's so pretty, and has such a timelessness about it.

webruci said...

Wonderful pictures from beautiful Scotland!
I/m a big Scotland fan, music, poetry, nature and culture:-)
Beautiful blog.
I'll be back!


Dimple said...

What a wonderful river to walk along! Quiet and reflective, in more ways than one!

Anonymous said...

Would I love to have a place like this for walks. Thanks for sharing.

penny said...

How wonderful of to to help clean up the mess that careless others leave in the woods and waterways. Great shots of the reflecting stream...

Rune Eide said...

I must be a wonderful walk to take every day. A fine area for such photography.

Anonymous said...

What a great place to walk. I love it. Thanks for stopping by my playground. I appreciate it :) Have a great weekend :)

maryt/theteach said...

Lovely shots for James's Weekend Reflections! Thanks for visiting my blog! :)

Kateri said...

What a peaceful, pleasant place to walk.

quilly said...

Lovely water reflections. I always love seeing the trees and the sky mirrored in a body of water.

Julie said...

How beautiful. I always love your nature pictures.

Rosebud Collection said...

I love reflections in the water. They are always so pretty.
Beautiful pictures..
Happy "late" SSS.

Carly said...

Love the beautiful reflections!