Wednesday 28 May 2008

senryu - birdwatching

woman birdwatching
in the city centre -
people stop and stare.


d. moll, said...

Nice, it is strange when someone takes the time to watch. I've tagged you for a name meme (you seem to wander around rabbit sites), come to mine and get the rules if you will play.

polona said...

ha, great!
i have been that woman before...

Janice Thomson said...

I have been that woman too - and was joined by a spiky purple-haired teen too! We both stood in awe at a wild finch's song. Delightful senryu Juliet.

YowlYY said...

Three it's a crowd...I've been that woman too, just this weekend as it happens. Love it!

Scot said...

I have not been that woman, but still watch

Annie Jeffries said...

And were they staring at her or in the direction of the bird? This reminds me of the time my DH stopped on a corner in Chicago and stared straight up. Slowly a crowd gather around him looking for was he "saw". Then he quietly slipped away.

Anonymous said...

is it birdchick? or someone inspired by her to be a birder and not a geek?!! :-)

i like

Crafty Green Poet said...

thanks everyone- Annie - it could be either and I've seen both...

magiceye said...

how nice

Anonymous said...

My gran used to be that woman. In Queens Park in Glasgow. Lovely!

Anonymous said...

Inside the city
Birds care not for what men think
So watch and enjoy


Weaving flight and form
Flocks come to gather
As a multitude
Of one

Feathers whisper
Thier secret love
To the wind