Monday 1 January 2007

Haiku - New Year in Edinburgh

above the floodlit castle -
fuzzy moon

New Years Day
after the fireworks -
rabbit dead on path*

Hogmanay concert
cancelled by gale force winds -
New Year still blue sky.

* there are around 30 rabbits living in the hill below Edinburgh Castle. Our rabbit was safely in our flat, like all pets should be, kept well away from fireworks!


Roswila said...

Your first one is terrific. I can just see it. In fact, in my mind, it resembles my current computer wallpaper picture. Happy New Year!

Catherine said...

They just don't do New Year that well in New Zealand - or maybe I don't seek it out. Your haiku capture it nicely (sorry about the rabbit though, even if it was a wild one)

Elspeth said...

Yes, I hate that about fireworks!

JP (mom) said...

Happy birthday to you too Juliet (well, a day late!) Cheers and best wishes for a wonderful, happy New Year filled with peace and good health. Cheers, JP

JP (mom) said...

Also, look forward to more of your writing -- here's to nurturing the creative spirit within!!
Much peace, JP

Crafty Green Poet said...

HI there and thanks for your comments. Catherine, oh it was so sad to see the poor dead rabbit. We can relate to the wild ones so much more now we have our own.
Elspeth - I hate that about fireworks too. Actually I don't much like fireworks at all, though we get a good (and quiet) view of Edinburgh's big firework displays from our flat...).

Anonymous said...

Oh, poor bunny! But nice haiku.
Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

I love fireworks, the problem is that you have to stay up late to see.

Lovely descriptive poems.

Julie said...

I would love to have seen the first, quite a sight! Fine haiku to begin a brand new year.

paris parfait said...

Poor little bunnies! I love watching fireworks and your poems are terrific.

Anonymous said...

That is the saddest thing about the rabbits--I was on the subway platform this morning, and I saw what seemed like a mother and baby rat on the tracks. It was the first time that I have seen rats together like that. Then the '6' train came. Momma got away--I got on the train and I am not sure what happened to the baby...

Glad your rabbit was safe--and that you could write such a cool poem to share!

get zapped said...

Yes, the first one caught me in a fun way. Love the imagery!

Anonymous said...

I am impressed. Writing about castles in your everyday life. Good poems, although, I am sorry to hear about the rabbit.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Hi Sandy, Edinburgh is lucky to have a castle right on the main street! Impressive indeed!

Tammy Brierly said...

Happy belated birthday! I could just see that fuzzy moon above that amazing castle. Lovely!

Anonymous said...

I love the first one. Great contrast of images: the crisp sudden illumination of the fireworks and the steady distant misty moon. We had a fuzzy almost-full moon here as well on the big night.

Jodi said...

Happy New Year!

LauraHinNJ said...

I liked these!

Michelle said...

I like the contrasts: celebration, grandeur, smallness, death and nature. It's amazing they all fit so eloquently in the short haiku form.