Saturday 5 August 2023

Pretty in Pink

We had a lovely wander round Inverleith Park today. There were plenty of birds on and around the pond. 

It was nice to see that the Moorhens had young ones with them - can you see the young moorhen hidden away in the photo below? 

There were also Mallards, Mute Swans and a couple of Tufted Ducks on the pond. Swifts and House Martins were flying low over the pond, catching insects. The vegetation around the pond is currently dominated by pink, with Purple Loosestrife in full bloom 

and Hairy Willowherb 

We had been given free tickets to the (otherwise very expensive) Foodies Festival which was happening in the park, so we walked round there and enjoyed tasty wraps and gourmet roast potatoes and bought some locally brewed ales and locally made chocolate brownies for later. (If you do go, though, beware of pleasant women bearing trays of free Feta cheese who tempt you with free olives and then guilt trip you into spending too much money on olives). The festival includes a good variety of food stalls, including vegan options for both humans and dogs, cookery demonstrations and a live music tent.


David M. Gascoigne, said...

Feta cheese and olives - who can resist temptation in the face of that?

Jeff said...

I hate to be shamed into buying something, often I walk away.

Sal said...

What a delightful wander. One of my favourite plants is the Purple Loosestrife and it’s so rich in pollen and nectar.
Hopefully, you sampled enough food so that you didn’t have to go home and cook a meal! 😁😁

eileeninmd said...

The pink blooms are very pretty.
Brownies sound yummy!
Lovely walk and photos.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Hi David - indeed, that was true!

Jeff, I agree and was very annoyed with myself for not walking away, having said that the olives are delicious.

Sal - it was indeed! I love Purple Loosestrife too and yes we did eat enough that i didn't need to cook!