Sunday 7 August 2022

Pretty in Pink (and a few other colours)

Yesterday we had a lovely walk. We started by walking through Inverleith Park. 

a view of Inverleith Pond with trees in the background

a boardwalk trhough a marshy area with haiyr willowherb and purple loosestrife growing alongside the boardwalk
The marshy area of Inverleith Pond is currently beautifully overgrown with the Purple Loosestrife and Hairy Willowherb offering a wonderful splash of pink

purple loosestrife and hairy willowherb

Swallows, House Martins and (I think) a Sand Martin were flying above the pond, too quick to catch on film (too quick to identify with certainty in the case of the Sand Martin!). There were several birds on the water too, including a wonderful family of Mute Swans 

Two adult Mute Swans on a pond with a nest in the background containing five adolescent cygnets

A nest containing five adolescent Mute Swan cygnets

these Mallards


Two mallards in a bed of reeds

Two mallards on a pond


a female mallard with 2 ducklings

and this coot 

a coot sitting on a pond

We then walked into the Botanic Gardens. 

A path winding between trees and shrubs

where the Hydrangeas are looking particularly beautiful.

a hydrangea bush with pink and purple flowers

a view of several hydrangea flowerheads, some pink and some purple

a close up of pink hydrangea flowers


Caroline Gill said...

A beautiful themed post, CGP. The boardwalk/bridge at Inverleith looks most enticing. The predominant shade around us at present seems to be 'straw' ... everything is so dry.

Jeff said...

Is the purple loosestrife a native plant? I know there are two similar ones here, and the non-native is taking over.

Magyar said...

these greening bridgeways
through such feeder waters rise
birds scribe hunter paths

__ With these green paths, the bridge and birds... all natures balance is so well sensed, as birds hunt their future.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Thanks Caroline, the boardwalk is lovely, you're right, particularly just now as it was shut off while the swans were on the nest and we haven't been able to walk it for a while. everything here is dry too, though probably not as much as it is down there.

Hi Jeff, yes purple loosestrife is native here, though it can take over a wee bit, even here.

Thanks for your 'ku, Magyar!