Thursday 15 April 2021


Spring is the time of year when nature seems to wake up from the dormancy of winter so we're all particularly aware of the beauty of flowers, fresh new leaves, emerging insects and singing birds. Many plants change really quickly at this time of year too! Less than a month ago, the coltsfoot was fully in bloom

now it's almost entirely gone to seed and is just as pretty (and there's a dandelion in bloom on the left in the photo below, which conveniently shows the difference between the flowers of these two plants)

This spring in Scotland we are voting for #oorfuture. The candidates we elect to the Scottish Parliament on 6 May will be responsible for taking action to tackle the nature and climate crises over the next few years. Nature and climate groups across Scotland have joined together to encourage people to show how much they care about nature ahead of next month’s election. People are being asked to share photos of their feet and words about their feelings about nature, using the social media hashtag #oorfootprint.  

Nature is vital, it is only if nature thrives that we can hope to have a sustainable future. We need to protect nature for it's own sake as well as for the vital services it offers including supporting our mental and physical health and well being.


The Weaver of Grass said...

My feet are no longer a pretty sight so shall not join in!!

Sharmishtha Basu said...

so tiny and so beautiful!