Saturday 10 February 2018

Brilliant Birds and signs of Spring

We had a lovely walk today through Inverleith Park and Edinburgh Botanic Gardens.

We were delighted to get very close to this little grebe (dabchick) in Inverleith Park

and  up the hill from the pond the crocuses were looking lovely in the late winter sun

Meanwhile in the Botanics the snowdrops are looking lovely

the rhododendrons are getting ready to bloom

and the oriental plane trees are decorated with fruit that look like pom poms

At the Botanics Pond we were greeted by mallards

and a kingfisher turned up happy to pose for the camera

It even treated us to a fishing masterclass though we didn't capture that on film!

And a grey squirrel also posed for us

Thanks Crafty Green Boyfriend for the bird and squirrel photos!


Gwil W said...

I've seen two green woodpeckers, or maybe the same one twice, in the Vienna Woods. Not much else. I think it'll snow again on Monday.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Hi Gwil, I rarely see gren woodpeckers, they seem to be very elusive round here!

Pietro Brosio said...

Beautiful green and flowers!

RG said...

We had sunshine today! Perks everything up! Beautiful scenes there.

Sandy said...

We still have lots of snow on the ground. You must be 5 to 6 weeks ahead of us. Thanks so much for posting bits of spring.

Charlotte said...

Thanks for you comment - it feels like I have been 'away' for ages somehow, prioritising other things (yoga basically) and that I am coming back now. It feels nice. Thank you again xx

nmj said...

What a wonderful collection of photos! The yellow of the crocus is just stunning!

nmj said...

Just love the heron!