I was delighted to receive the Very Inspiring Blogger award from sage over at Musings, who is a very inspiring blogger himself. He blogs about many things, but often about his long treks, often by kayak, through the countryside. I like the relaxed pace of his journeys and his very observant take on what he sees around him.
So thanks sage and here are the rules...
1. Thank the person who nominated you, and link to their blog. (I've done it)
2. Display the award logo. (it's at the top of this post)
3. Nominate 15 other bloggers (more or less) and provide a link where they may be found.
4. Go to their blog, leave a comment to let them know they have been nominated.
5. Mention three things that inspired you the most during the past few weeks. (See below)
As you know, Crafty Green Boyfriend and I recently had a very inspiring trip up to the far north of Scotland, which you can read about in recent blog posts. The scenery up there is stunning, from snow capped mountains, to beautifully coloured moorland and peat bogs, picturesque lochans (little lochs) and stunning coastal cliffs. The wildlife is amazing too and we had a wonderful close encounter with a small herd of red deer.
When I was picking litter along the Gorgie stretch of the Water of Leith recently (this is an extra stretch of the river I'm currently doing to cover for a lack of volunteers) I reached a particularly bad area of litter, which, there was no way, I could even make a dent on by myself. All of a sudden I noticed a movement in one of the bushes and there was a goldcrest, the UK's smallest bird, hopping from branch to branch right in front of me.
I've found my stash of random beads and broken jewellery very inspiring recently and have been making them into new items - different types of jewellery and other beaded items. Some of which I've already shared on this blog and others to come soon...
And so to the blogs I've chosen:
Caroline at Wild and Wonderful, who blogs about her nature observations, mostly in and around her home in Suffolk, England
Michelle over at Rambling Woods shares nature notes from her garden and campaigns on issues such as saving the Monarch butterfly.
Eileen at Viewing Nature with Eileen also shares nature notes from her garden and round about!
Bob who I recently discovered over at Birds and Nature of the Forest of Dean, who shares amazing nature photos
Charlotte at Cottontails Baby not only has an adorable rabbit Rudolph, but encourages him to join in the wonderful photo shoots and videos she does with soft toys to advertise her shop, also called Cottontails Baby. (Possibly one of the most inspiring shop marketing campaigns anywhere).
More adorable rabbits (Hannah and Harrington) with Michelle at Raspberry Rabbits, who makes wonderful quilts
Debbie at Dosankodebbie's Etaegami Notebook where she shares her always inspiring artwork
The Optimistic Existentialist who shares consistently thought provoking posts on a range of topics
A Cuban in London who blogs about many things, including food, music and politics
There are many others too,
I didn't make the cut?!?! *pout* Hahaha, just kidding.. love these fun award things.. I'll have to check out some of the blogs you recommend! - www.domesticgeekgirl.com
Hello, Congrats on your Inspiring Blogger award. I do enjoy visiting your blog and enjoy your reports on nature and your lovely poems.
I hope you do not mind that I will not be participating..Thank you for thinking of me..
congrats to you and to your nominees!
I will have to check out those you nominated (I have read Cuban in London and Optimistic Existentialist for a while and do agree they are inspiring). I also loved the blogs from your recent trip up north in Scotland and am itching to get back to your country to explore it in more detail.
Good to have such a wide variety of things that inspire!
I don't participate in these award things myself. But I'm touched that you mentioned my blog. And you certainly deserve the award. Congratulations.
Congratulations on your (well-deserved) award :) and thank you so very much for the nomination!
Many congrats...
Well-deserved recognition
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