Thursday 31 May 2012

Growing Season

Over the past week we've been setting up our herbs and tomato plants for growing!

Crafty Green Boyfriend's mother gave us six tomato plants

and three little plugs of herb seeds in growing substrate. These look disturbingly like small chocolate muffins! I'll pot them up soon!

Last year we had excellent harvests of tomatoes, basil and coriander. Hopefully it will be the same this year (though we have dill (see photo) instead of coriander. The coriander plant I had earlier this year failed, sadly. I should get another as it is my favourite herb).


Ms Sparrow said...

Here's wishing you lots of sunny days to get those tomatoes growing!

Caroline Gill said...

Yes, I immediately thought 'chocolate' when I saw the 'seed muffin'! My Oregano plant is coming on well so we look forward to fresh oregano in our pasta.

Karen M said...

The problem with coriander/cilantro, is that it goes by too fast. Around here it is always done before you get tomatos, which is when you want it! Hope you get lots of tomatos this year.

Anonymous said...

That does look like a chocolate muffin - haha! Best of luck with your crops - I love growing herbs and veges.

RG said...

Happy Growing!

bunnits said...

Off to a good start! And that does look like a muffin. Now I'm hungry.

Greenpatches said...

My goodness. Those plug plants do look like chocolate muffins!