Thursday 21 July 2011

Stinkhorns, Snails and Stories

I spotted this stinkhorn fungus along the Water of Leith on Monday. It really lives up to its name with a smell of sewage, which attracts the flies. The first time I've seen this type of fungus along the river.


after the rain
the varied patterns
on the snail shells

I managed to get an entry in for the Clarity of Night short story competition, right at the last moment. The contest has now closed and voting has started. You can read my entry here and find out how to vote here. (Ah, I notice only participants can vote, but anyone can leave a comment!)

I also have exciting news about another of my short stories, watch this space for more details!


Unknown said...

Lovely picture. I think I've seen/smelt those before. They are pretty gross.
Good luck with your entry.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Snail shells can be very beautiful - I just wish they would keep away from my hostas! Good luck with the short story.

Anonymous said...

I have seen stinkhorns, but not up here in Maine. How could I have forgotten about them?

Good news about your story.

Anonymous said...

:)beautiful blog.

I'll follow.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

A very descriptive name...I've never heard of it before, but I can see why it would work! We have plants on the Oregon Coast that are flycatchers -- they don't smell real good either -- they are fun to watch.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oops, pushed send too soon -- excited to hear about your short story!!

RG said...

Huuray on the stories - good luck with the voting.

fungus - eeeweeewwwww

Alison Wileu said...

Good on you for making it under the wire! I love your eye for the smaller creatures in the natural world.

Sandy's witterings said...

Sometimes you're glad to get a little nature report from somebody else rather than see it yourself - this might be one of them.

And a haiku too - lovely

Unknown said...

Funghi are amazing! This one is so weird.