Friday, 20 February 2009

Garden update

I've not been out in the garden much over the winter, but I was down there earlier today. There was some litter to remove, as ever, but not too much. It was nice to see the green new buds and hear the birds - woodpigeons, blue tits and robins. I also saw a blackbird. I noticed in the pots that had potatoes in last year, the bulbs I got from my visit to the Hidden Gardens have sprouted:

green spikes through soil -
soon their blooms will remind me
what they are.


Pan Haiku Review said...

Ah, I think a lot of us can relate to your haiku. ;-)

My favorite flower because it thrives on car fumes and filters it out is geraniums.

Here's a very old haiku from my time in Queensland (going through a five year drought) :

the geraniums
flowering again
just before the rain

Potpourri Publications
Kansas, U.S.A. (April 1994)

all my best,

The With Words Competition 2009


d. moll, said...

Lovely poem, we are hearing the call of the garden too......

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the haiku - I'm looking forward to seeing flowers soon too. And I love your new picture! Incredible. Is this close to where you live?

Unknown said...

Like the Haiku. The new photo header is just gorgeous. I don't think I've ever seen so many snowdrops. Did you take it?

Tommaso Gervasutti said...

I am not sure what kinds of marvellous flowers these are, what's their name?
Best wishes, Davide

Tommaso Gervasutti said...

Ooops, snowdrops I read they are in a comment...those I remember were smaller and never so many together...

The Weaver of Grass said...

Isn't it good Juliet that every blog begins to talk of Spring.

YowlYY said...

It's hard not to feel the call of the garden when the sun is shining - I too I've seen green shots but don't know anymore what they were!

Anonymous said...

Seeing those tulips is really making me crave Spring. Such beauty!

RG said...

Well, there are durned few shoots here. too cold every night. But it does seem like spring will come soon.

That's quite the picture!