I like to wrap gifts in reclaimed materials, but that doesn't need to mean tatty looking scraps of paper. In this example I covered some thinness on the first layer of paper with a piece of a contrasting paper. The two gifts are tied together with reused raffia and the gift tag is made from reclaimed card with a photo from a wildlife magazine. I posted other ideas for gift wrap last year, you can see them here and here.
Now included in this week's Carnival of the Green.
I like your recycled wrapping ideas.
Haave you ever seen those plastic templates for making envelopes out of magazine pages, wrapping paper, etc.? It's a similar idea. I especially like making envelopes from flower bulb catalogs.
Hi my backyard, glad you like my ideas - yes I have seen the templates for making envelopes. I'm going to make a few to go with some handmade cards.
Recycling wrapping paper is an excellent idea. Like paper cards, I just hate throwing away perfectly good pieces of large paper.
We always recycle wrapping paper, though we tend to just reuse it as is, cutting off any tatty bits. Yours look very creative.
As a patchworker I'd be happy if my presents came wrapped in fabric instead of paper - two gifts in one! You can also use a decorative teatowel
HI Catherine, yes I like to wrap gifts in fabric too, I sometimes make wee fabric gift bags too, should have made a link to a photo of them here...
I love these ideas even though I don't do much "crafting" -- I have been trying to work on reusing materials. I've noticed that more and more plastic food containers (ie Haribo candy plastic containers) are now reusable AND dishwasher safe. Tupperware beware!
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