Monday, 16 October 2006

Haiku - Simple Pleasures

One Deep Breath's prompt this week is to write haiku or related verses about simple pleasures. This first one is a very autumnal pleasure, particularly for the little ones:

Crisp autumn air –
small boots kick bright coloured leaves
on the path.

These next two relate to when I lived in Malawi:

on the dusky verandah –
cicadas call.

Sun sinks behind hills
as lake merges with sky -
fishing boats parade.


jennifer black said...

Oh my. I want to live in your haiku. Lovely.


Jennifer S. said...

inviting and beautiful, well done.

Tammy Brierly said...

Beautiful imagery in your haiku. Malawi sounds heavenly!

jillypoet said...

I was thinking the same thing...I want to live in your haiku. I think Malawi is now one of the places I want to visit! I love the word suppertime. Actually, I think I like each one of your words! But suppertime has so many memories!

harmonyinline said...

"small boots kick bright coloured leaves" brings back memories

susanlavonne said...

i really like the way your first haiku reveals sounds without direct mention of them
and the other two are so serene and "ahhhh" and again your descriptions reveal so much more than just the pictures they paint...lovely!

Catherine said...

Your haiku paint beautiful pictures. I still like to kick leaves, and jump on them and crunch them!

Pat Paulk said...

Simple pleasures written with a purity of thought!!

Becca said...

You are a master of creating the serene mood that is the essence of haiku. Lovely, as always :)

Anonymous said...

Love them all, but the first one, with the line about small boots and leaves brings back very special memories to me.

Anonymous said...

Lovely, all of them! I enjoy the same simple pleasures of the autumn, and your two about Malawi conjure some wonderful images.

Helen said...

I Love all of these especially the 3rd one. "as lake merges with sky" I can just imagine this. :)

MB said...

I am very fond of small boots kicking brightly colored leaves. That line pulled a lot of emotional weight for me.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Hi there and thanks for all your comments! I hope you all get the chance this autumn to put some boots on and kick through the leaves, with your children (or nephews and nieces!) if you have any.

And yes I'd recommend Malawi as a place to visit.