
Sunday 29 May 2022

Nature Activities for June

 I included this information in yesterday's blogpost, but realised it probably deserves a post of its own! 

It will soon be June, which means time for 30 Days Wild here in the UK! This is The Wildlife trusts' project to encourage people to engage with nature every day of the month! You can find out more here.  I'm hoping to take part as I have done in previous years and will blog about it here.

The first week of June is also International Nature Journaling Week! Follow this link to find out more. This is great timing as that's the week that I start teaching a class on nature journaling for Outlook, Edinburgh Council's adult education programme for people with mental health problems! Although I currently share my nature notes on this blog and make occasional collages, my own actual nature journal isn't particularly creative, so I hope to make amends for that over the course of the week (and probably beyond, given 30 Days Wild and my current work surveying wildlife and teaching about nature). I hope to share some of my results here.

And 1 June is the start of Big Meadow Search! The Big Meadow Search is a UK wide project developed by Carmarthenshire Meadows Group, to raise awareness and interest in grasslands and to record plant species. On any date between 1st June and 31st August, you can search any species rich grassland types such as meadows, field edges, woodland rides, churchyards, road verges, wild amenity grasslands and gardens. You can find out more and take part by visiting their website here. I hope to be able to include records from some of the cemeteries I survey in the Big Meadow Search. 

And the next season of Springwatch starts tomorrow! This programme follows the progress of Spring across the UK, and generally has something for everyone, from young people just getting interested in nature to experienced naturalists.

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