
Saturday 28 May 2022

A Day at the Botanics

 We had a lovely walk round Edinburgh's Botanic Gardens today. Some of the rhododendrons (particularly the yellow ones) were still in wonderful bloom


as were the Meconopsis 

The cotoneaster bushes were full of bumble bees, especially Tree Bumblebees 


and Early Bumblebees 

These bees were particularly nice to see, as there seem to be few bees (and in fact any type of insect) this year. Though I was happy to see this bug, I think it's Liocoris tripustulatus, but am waiting for confirmation (edited to add, my identification has now been confirmed!)

It was lovely to see that the moorhens on the pond have a brood of four youngsters, though it proved impossible to get them all in one shot, thanks Crafty Green Boyfriend for the photo below

An old sweet chestnut tree died in the Botanics a few years ago and the area has been left to show what happens after a tree dies. 


It's interesting to see how overgrown the patch is now. 

The fallen dead wood is also a great habitat for invertebrates 

and the standing stump offers a roost site for bats. 

On the way home, we passed through a small park and were delighted to see that this area was full of bees

including this Tree Bumblebee

(If anyone recognises what the plant is, please let me know!)


It will soon be June, which means time for 30 Days Wild here in the UK! This is The Wildlife trusts' project to encourage people to engage with nature every day of the month! You can find out more here.  

The first week of June is also International Nature Journaling Day! Follow this link to find out more. This is great timing as that's the week that I start teaching a class on nature journaling for Outlook, Edinburgh Council's adult education programme for people with mental health problems! 

And 1 June is the start of Big Meadow Search! The Big Meadow Search is a UK wide project developed by Carmarthenshire Meadows Group, to raise awareness and interest in grasslands and to record plant species. On any date between 1st June and 31st August, you can search any species rich grassland types such as meadows, field edges, woodland rides, churchyards, road verges, wild amenity grasslands and gardens. You can find out more and take part by visiting their website here.

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