
Monday 30 May 2022

Revisiting Saughton Cemetery

I'm still continuing my wildlife surveys of Edinburgh's council managed cemeteries! Today, Crafty Green Boyfriend accompanied me as  I revisited Saughton Cemetery, one of a number of cemeteries that sit alongside the Water of Leith. It's a medium sized cemetery with some lovely trees 

There were few pollinating insects around, partly due to the dull and cool weather, but also due to the recent collapse in insect numbers. However, it was nice to see a nest of Early Bumblebees in a corner of the cemetery (no photos, though, as the bees were moving around too quickly!). On the other hand, there were good numbers of ladybirds of various species and plenty of aphids for them to eat! 

Here are both adult and larvae of what I think are the sexpustulata variety of 2 spot ladybirds (though they could be pine ladybirds?) along with their lunch! Click on the phto for a closer view!

There were also a number of shield bugs, including this adult Hawthorn Shield Bug

and this click beetle (Athous haemorrhoidalis) was oddly numerous

There were plenty of birds around too, including this Oystercatcher, who looked most out of place in a cemetery but spent a long time running around, digging in the grass for food. 

 It's a good cemetery for mosses and lichens too, including this interesting looking lichen which I think is some type of Cladonia 


I'm delighted to have an article about the history of North Merchiston Cemetery in the latest issue of The Tower, the newsletter of St Michael's Church, Edinburgh. You can read the whole newsletter here.

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