
Saturday 20 February 2021

Corstorphine HIll

 Last Saturday when we walked up Corstorphine Hill, it was a winter wonderland (see this post for photos). Today, it looks totally different! The hazel trees are showing off their catkins (the dangling male catkins and the muxch smaller red female flowers) 

We saw some very young jelly ear fungi (usually we find these only when they're much  larger)

Many trees are in bud now, though from a distance they still look very wintry

There's still snow on the distant Pentland Hills 


  1. It's a strange time of year, isn't it? ... spring one moment then back to winter, or vice versa. What beautiful catkins!

  2. Views of the Pentlands in the distance always take me back to a time when Scotland played a bigger role in my life than it does now (I never actually lived there). A vague crowding of old memories. The anticipation of seeing friends or climbing mountains.

    I've never been walking on them as the lure of the bigger hills further north always proved too strong!

  3. Nature is so beautiful! It is always reviving itself and giving us treasures to discover.

  4. Hi Caroline, it is indeed, it's definitely not so spring like today!

    Carruthers - the Pentlands are lovely for walking and as someone who gets vertigo they have more appeal for me than the bigger hills! Though i understand the lure of the mountains too

    Thanks Pat and Gershon


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