
Wednesday 17 February 2021

Crocuses will be blooming soon!

 The crocuses will  be in bloom soon in North Merchiston Cemetery 

Lots of birds singing too and we had a great view of a great spotted woodpecker climbing up a tree. Hopefully it will nest in the cemetery again this year, though it may well not use last year's nest hole. We loved watching the woodpecker nest last year, (it's one of the birds featured in this post from last year).


  1. Beautiful Crocuses, they are natures wilderness.

  2. If only we could travel out to see them all Juliet.
    I have managed to see a few Crocus in the park and a few local birds.
    Roll on the easing of the lockdown.

  3. As we are graced with another 5-8 inches of snowfall, your photos of crocus bring hopes of spring. Thanks for the smile!

  4. Ours a bit late - coming though! Harbinger of brighter days!

  5. I am having the best time spotting early spring flowers this year. Crocus, daffodil, and pussy willows so far. .... a special joy because this is the first arrival of spring we’ve seen here at home in many years . (Of course, Officially it happens in Florida, but there isn’t much change in that subtropical climate). Here in Oregon, winter/spring transition is a definite thing!


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