
Saturday 13 June 2020

Corstorphine Hill in the Mist

It's been a dull and damp day today, with a thick see mist (or haar as we call it here) sitting around all day, which has often become rain, though never too hard!

It makes for a wonderfully mysterious atmosphere in the woodlands on Corstorphine Hill

but makes it impossible to see the hills that normally would be visible from the Rest and be Thankful at the top of the hill

We remembered today to take the route that passes by the common spotted orchids, which are beautifully in bloom at the moment

We could hear song thrushes singing despite the rain and we saw lots of thrush anvils, including this one

these anvils are where the thrushes smash snail shells so they can extract and eat the snail's body. The song thrush is declining in the UK and it was really nice to see so much evidence of them around the hill!


  1. Yes … fog/mist does make for a wonderfully mysterious atmosphere.
    I like your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  2. I would love to hear the song thrushes singing! Oh, those poor snails!

  3. Hello,

    I love a walk in the early morning fog, but not the rain. Pretty images. Enjoy your Sunday, have a great new week ahead.

  4. It's amazing what beauty there is even in the dreary weather! I love your photos.

    I am excited to see your corner at 'My Corner of the World' this week! Thanks for linking up.

  5. Morning fog makes everything seem peaceful to me. Pretty meadow flowers.

  6. lol, sometimes mist creates gorgeous shots :)

  7. I heard a cuckoo yesterday and saw what I think were three jays.
    Lovely walk.

  8. They use a very cool....

  9. Those orchids might be common in your area but they are a great treat for me to see. I have never seen such a flower before. Beautiful!
    Most interesting to see a thrush anvil. What clever birds.
    I enjoyed your walk about.

  10. Hi Lisa, the orchids aren't really that common, though that is part of their name!


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