
Friday 12 June 2020


Yesterday we were delighted to see a web of spiderlings in each of the local cemeteries that we visit for our #DailyExercise. (I think these are garden spiders Araneus diadematus).

In North Merchiston Cemetery there were two little connected webs on ivy, with a lot of movement  among the spiderlings.

Meanwhile, in Dalry Cemetery, the spiderlings were on a nettle plant

It's quite amazing to watch these tiny creatures as they rush around in their little webs. Later on they will use threads of sil to disperse throughout the nearby plants.


  1. Aren't they cute? I let a couple stay in my basement bathroom, as they get the moquitos. My grandies don't like them, though!

  2. You have such a good eye at catching the little things that are so amazing. Thanks.

  3. They are quite interesting to watch! We had some on the back porch of a rental a few years ago. You captured them very well.

    Feel free to share at My Corner of the World

  4. Great shots.
    Good to see.

    All the best Jan

  5. What a great nature find! I have never heard the word “spiderlings” before and I love learning it ... I wish we would find some on one of our exercise walks, so I could use the word!


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