
Saturday 2 November 2019

Portobello Beach and Figgate Park Calendar

It's been raining for most of the day but we managed to dodge the worst of it for a walk along the promenade at Portobello

There were lots of dogs out enjoying the sad including this one which seems very well camoflaged

It's great to see that there are beach wheelchairs available for free hire

and very nice to find this lovely late season wildflower meadow in a small greenspace near the main road

Our main reason for visiting Portobello today however was to go to the market and pick up a free copy of the Figgate Park calendar

which includes one of my photos, not featuring on a month but as one of the extras

The featured photos for each month are beautiful, all taken by local people and showcasing the wildlife and landscapes of the park.

The calendar is £8 and is available from Friends of Figgate Park. Update: Figgate Friends have now told me that the calendar will be available from Mousehole Deli & Cove both in Porty High Street and the Computer Repair Shop on Piershill Terrace and at the small but perfectly formed Farmers Market in Brighton Park on 10am - 1pm, 7th December.


  1. It's always nice if you can get out in the fresh air. Our weekend has been quite wet and windy, it even bought some trees down on local roads …
    I enjoyed your photographs, and well done on having a photograph used in the calendar.

    All the best Jan

  2. I loved pebbles, and sea. Great images.


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