
Sunday 3 November 2019

Updates on Gorgie City Farm and Figgate Park Calendar

I just added these updates to the posts below, but to avoid them being lost I'm also putting them in a separate post.

Firstly, Gorgie City Farm, a wonderful community resource where local families can connect with farm animals and vulnerable youngsters get valuable work experience, has been threatened with closure. The liquidators have already been called in, but a group of former farm employees have got together to campaign to keep the farm open. You can donate via their Go Fund Me page here. They need £100, 000 and have already raised over £30,000 in less than 34 hours. Please consider supporting this wonderful resource in a built up area of Edinburgh.

The liquidators have started closing the farm's social media channels, but you can follow them on their new Twitter account here.

You can read my blogposts about Gorgie City Farm here

Secondly, I posted yesterday about the Figgate Park calendar, which is raising vital funds for the Friends of Figgate Park to maintain this beautiful park between Edinburgh and Portobello. I'm delighted that one of my photos has been chosen to feature on the inside cover

and I'm very impressed by the quality of the photos that have been chosen for each month. It really is a beautiful calendar. I mentioned yesterday that I would update on how to buy copies of this calendar (£8.00 each). Figgate Friends have now told me that the calendar will be available from Mousehole Deli & Cove both in Porty High Street and the Computer Repair Shop on Piershill Terrace and at the small but perfectly formed Farmers Market in Brighton Park on 10am - 1pm, 7th December.


  1. Thanks for both these updates.

    All the best Jan

  2. It is discouraging that the liquidators move so swiftly to close even social media access to what is obviously a very worthwhile operation. I hope that a way is found to keep it open. I was recently looking at the statistics of major pharmaceutical companies and the amounts they spend on advertising is staggering. One week's expenditure from one company would refloat this community asset.


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