
Friday 1 November 2019

UPDATE: Last ditch attempt to save Gorgie Farm

 Really sad to read that Gorgie City Farm is going to close. Crafty Green Boyfriend and I have had many happy visits to the farm, enjoying the animals from bunnies to pigs

and Olive, the duck who met the queen -

and it's lovely little wildlife garden

The farm has been open for 40 years, during which time it has helped connect children, families and young people with farm animals and the outdoors and has been a wonderful green oasis in the Gorgie area of Edinburgh.

You can read my blog posts about the farm here.

It would be wonderful if the farm were able to find a way to remain open, but this time it seems unlikely. They are looking for homes for all the animals. I don't know what will happen to the site, it would be nice if it could remain some sort of open green space, given this is a very built up part of Edinburgh.

UPDATE: the farm nas now set up a GoFundMe Page in a last ditch attempt to save the farm, you can donate here


  1. I am sorry to hear this is closing I’ve always enjoyed your posts about visiting there. I hope the animals all end up in good forever homes. I also hope the property will become a green space and not fall victim to city developers.

  2. So sorry to read this.

    All the best Jan


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