
Sunday 19 November 2017

A Christmas Tree in Waiting

Every year for the past several years we have had a living Christmas tree in a pot, taken from Crafty Green Boyfriend's mother's garden and  returned there after the festive season. Today we chose this year's tree, though it will be a while before we collect it and bring it home.

It was a lovely day for a wander round the garden. The apple tree is as ever laden with fruit

and the maple looks stunning in its autumn colours

and its leaves make a beautiful carpet when they fall


  1. Wonderful maple leaves. I also like having a Christmas tree from own garden. When I buy one, I use it several years after another until the tree is too big to get inside. I leave it in the garden and start again.

  2. That's lovely. So nice to have a live tree that won't be cast aside. Love seeing those apples.

  3. Maples are just marvellous - gorgeous colour here.

    All the best Jan


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