
Saturday 18 November 2017

Birds Drinking from a Puddle

Yesterday I wasn't able to join Crafty Green Boyfriend for his walk round Corstorphine Hill but I was very impressed by these photos he took of some birds drinking from a puddle. (Click on the photos to enlarge them)

long tailed tit and blue tit

 blue tit having a really good wash

long tailed tit arrives to watch blue tit bathing 

long tailed tits all in a row

long tailed tits in conversation 

a goldcrest



  1. Hello, what a great sight to see the birds at the puddle. The Ling-tail Tits and the Goldcrest are some of my favorites. Beautiful birds. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post. I appreciate your comment and visit too. Enjoy your day and weekend.

  2. It seems... that I was there, Juliet, a parallel to C.G.B's nifty nature photos.

    __ During this year's harvest, I watched one deer (in a cast of three) gulp some water from a nearby, and flooded cranberry bog; mesmerized, I watched that trio cavort. _m

  3. Wonderful pictures, I've never ever seen a long tailed tit on the ground!

  4. There is often a puddle right out side the back door and always fun to see some birds come for a splashy bath - even when it is raining! Like kids!

  5. Great photos! Are these common birds your area? They are quite colorful.

  6. Thanks Eileen

    Magyar - lovely to see the deer like that!

    Simon - they rarely come down to the groupd, you're right!

    Rabbits' Guy - like kids, indeed!

    Sandy - yes these are all common birds here!

  7. Love those birds drinking from the puddle.

    All the best Jan


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