
Monday 20 November 2017

autumn haiku

urban park—
plastic bags among
the autumn leaves 


previously published in Sketchbook


  1. I like your haiku!. And there is a lot of the stuff around! In years to come if visitors come to study the Earth they will surely call our era the Plasticocene! On the walk in to work mainly crisp, sweet and sandwich wrappers, with the omnipresent plastic bottle and the odd numberplate!

  2. Hello, sad to see the plastic bags. Maybe one day they will ban them everywhere.

    Great haiku! Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week!

  3. We never know what's lurking under the surface until we kick the leaves aside. Dogs come here, and now it's getting dark early they leave 'it' lying amongst the leaves which are also brown and soggy. Ugh.

  4. Anonymous3:27 am

    a good contrast for your haiku

  5. Anonymous9:16 am

    In our area they have banned the plastic bags. It is a nice one. We used to always carry bags when we go for purchase...

  6. Hi Jamie - yes the Plasticocene would be an appropriate alternative to the Anthropocene

    Hi Eileen and Weekend Wind up - yes hopefully the plastic bags will be banned. Currently shops here charge for single use plastic bags, which has reduced the number used.

    Gwil - yes dog dirt under autumn leaves is a real problem!

    Gabrielle - thanks

  7. Seeing plastic bags discarded always annoys me.
    Liked your haiku.

    All the best Jan


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