
Friday 27 November 2015

In the pink

I joined Crafty Green Boyfriend for his lunchtime walk round Corstorphine Hill today (his office is just next to the hill, I'm most envious!). We got caught in the rain, but saw lots of interesting things to keep us happy, including these beautiful pink fungi, I'm not sure what species they are, perhaps Amethyst Deceiver or Lilac Bell Cap?

We were delighted to see a mixed flock of tits and finches, quiet a common sight at this time of year, when these small birds gather together in feeding flocks. We were particularly happy to see several bullfinches, the males with their bright pink chests, the females more sober in colour. There were also goldfinches, great tits and blue tits.

On the other side of the hill, two buzzards were chasing each other. One of them flew directly in front of us, quite an impressive sight!


  1. Pretty captures of the mushrooms. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. Wondering if the lovely fungi are Russula genus, in which case I really wouldn't eat them!

  3. Hi Simon, we weren't thinking of eating them whatever species they are!

  4. A Gathering of Finches is a book I read awhile back - about a lady married into a big lumber family in Oregon many years ago. When that family got together she described it as a gathering of finches and it surely creates an image (and sound!)

  5. They are lovely!!!!

  6. lovely colour,sounds like a beautiful walk,xx Rachel

  7. Can't say I've ever seen 'pink mushrooms' - these look interesting, and I wouldn't know what they are called ...
    Sounds as if you had a lovely walk, it is so good to get out and about.

    Happy weekend wishes

    All the best Jan

  8. Anonymous11:11 pm

    I enjoy the fungi photos as well as your written descriptions. You convey the sense of discovery which can come from getting outside. I recently saw some whopping big lemon-colored mushrooms near redwood "fairy rings" on a hike in Jack London State Park in California.

  9. The fungi look like Mycena pura.


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