
Saturday 28 November 2015

Scotland's Climate March in Photos

Today, thousands (official estimates state 7,000) of people gathered in Edinburgh for Scotland's Climate March, to let world leaders know how much people carte about climate change ahead of the UN Climate Talks in Paris to discuss climate change.

The route started in the Meadows

passed through George IV Bridge

and down the Mound

to gather in Princes Street Gardens

ending up at the bandstand,

where there was music and speakers and increasingly heavy rain drove some people away before things actually came to an end.

People had been encouraged to wear their brightest colours and there were lots of colourful hats and even colourful wellies

A gorilla joined in

and a teddy bear waved us on from the sidelines

Lots of charities were there, several wildlife groups including the Woodland Trust

People were marching because they are aware of the devastation that uncontrolled climate change would cause to wildlife and natural habitats, to coastal communities, to health and welfare and to people's abilities to make a living.

Let's hope that the world's leaders are listening.


  1. Good for you for marching!

  2. They're listening ... just a bit (or a lot) scared to do much!

  3. Anonymous6:20 am

    good one Juliet - we have them throughout Australia this weekend as well (though not local to where I am)

  4. it's encouraging to see people getting involved. this is an important, earth changing issue that so many other people are ignoring, like it will just go away. glad they had a good turn out there. have a great sunday, G

  5. Let's do hope they are, indeed. Thanks for the post.

    Greetings from London.

  6. I'm so glad you went on that march for such a wonderful cause. And I loved walking through Edinburgh with you.


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